Peter Obenslauter Character in The Barren (New) | World Anvil
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Peter Obenslauter

King of Urmany Peter Obenslauter

Normally I’d tell you to ** off, but perhaps this knowledge will prevent the same mistakes from being repeated. He was a cruel man, one who felt no love for anything but himself. He was a general before the war, how a coward like him ever reach that position is beyond me… but nobody like him will ever rule Urmany again, I can assure you of that much.
-Isac Arno Obenslauter

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peter had extremely short black hair and a bushy beard with lines of gray going down it resembling a stripe pattern. He was slightly shorter than the average Urman, but his posture and muscular structure made him look straight and tall like a tower.

Facial Features

In order to utilize the Pheonix Eye, Peter had to sacrifice his left eye, filling its empty socket with the purple artificial eye.

Specialized Equipment

Through manipulating his son Isac, Peter obtained the Pheonix Eye which he used to acheive his goal of turning Urmany into a practical hive mind and starting the conflict of the War of Eethill.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like every Urman child, Peter was educated on the country's history at a young age. Listening to all wars the newly created Urmany started to absorb other territories was heartbreaking to young Peter, after the class ended he ran to a small creek he'd usually play at, though this day he'd do nothing but stare into the ripples in the water. This was when the vision of a woman (Lady Fate) came to him. She soothed Peter, putting ideas in his head about climbing the ranks of Urmany to change its way of war. Inspired, Peter starts where all political careers started in Urmany, the military.   After years of military service, the woman comes to Peter again, this time explaining who she was and what she was. That day, Peter Obenslauter became a member of Fate's Warriors and promised to help her in any way he could while he was in Urmany.   Eventually, he married Clara Casodin and had a son, Isac Obenslauter. Now in married life, Peter had to leave his service in the military so he may raise his son. Leaving the track of gaining political power threw Peter into a depression, which led to him physically harming his wife. With the help of his mother, Isac fled Urmany before he was recruited into the military, but more importantly, away from his spiraling father.   Peter began disappearing for long stretches of time, and while investigating, Clara learned he'd been having an affair. Clara had been trapped in her marriage due to Urman Officials siding with Peter, not believing a word she said about him. But now she had evidence that they might just believe. Peter still yearned for power, and having the slander that comes from an affair would make that dream impossible. So, Lady Fate came to him again and convinced him to kill the woman he was having an affair with, blaming the murder on Clara and rejoining the military at a higher position for showing that his loyalty was aligned with Urmany more than anything else he loved. This had worked, Peter was celebrated as an honest man who cared for the safely of his neighbors. From there on, with the help of the Cult of Fate's End he rapidly climbed the ranks of Urmany, eventually reaching the throne.

Morality & Philosophy

Peter believed that free will was the root of all evil, allowing mortals to act upon their selfish desires and hurt others doing so. He believed that a perfect society would resemble a hive mind, where all the people shared the same desires and goals so that they may all work together to accomplish them.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Trapped in a magical prison
Year of Birth
48 AG 106 Years old
Fortress Hill
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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