The Devil's Fin Vehicle in The Azure Sea | World Anvil

The Devil's Fin

The Devil's Fin is the feared ship of Captain Callous, the notorious tiefling pirate. Legend says that the Devil's Fin was gifted to the Captain by Asmodeus himself.   This sleek and fast brigantine is easy to recognise on the waves, thanks to its red sails and red-painted hull. The prow of the blood red ship is tipped with a vicious iron ram.   As it bears down on its unfortunate victims, with a black flag that sports a triangular red symbol flying from the top of the mast, the ram cutting through the water, the sight of the Devil's Fin and it's unearthly captain, stood alongside his hulking ogre First Mate Anka, must fill hearts with terror and cause the blood of even the most hardy seaman to turn to ice.   Certainly Captain Callous and his ship have been the scourge of the western shores for many years now, and the merest sight of the brigantine on the horizon causes all but the bravest or most foolhardy of captains to flee.

The Devil's Fin by Chris Ostrowski

The Hellship
150 feet
ca. 175 tons
6 mph
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
120 tons

Cover image: Vehicles by Daniel Alekow


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