
Vosov (Foh - ss - off)

Vosov is the main planet of the Omega Leporis system. It is ruled by the Phantasm Terminal Federation that can be found on a massive space station just outside of Vosov's orbit. The planet has two moons and orbits around Noella, the Sun Soul, alongside five other planets.


The planet consists of many biomes, with the main being grasslands, highlands, temperate and tropical forests, savannahs, deserts, and tundras. A few landmarks can be found throughout the planet's surface. Such places are the trans stations, where the central tower is.   From space, Vosov appears as a blue marble with green lands and white, fluffy clouds. A set four of bronze gaseous rings surround the planet. Some appear larger than others and produce a toxin capable of gumming up the engines of a starship. Most people avoid the rings, but pirates, such as the Red Scarves, will take refuge in the rings in attempts to avoid planetary patrols.



Some species on Vosov use arcana in a variety of ways. Arcana is the living aether in the air created by Tryoh, Fate of Arcana. Certain people are granted access to the arcana based upon their species, with others only having a fraction of arcane power. Those who don't have arcana are nothing more than mortals as arcane users are granted extra long lives.   Arcana can be dangerous and fatal if overused. It is important to know one's limits. When an arcana user gets low on their aether reserve, they become exhausted and must take short rest or long rests. And some pockets on Vosov block the flow of aether, making users only capable using what aether they have stored until they leave the blocked area and take a short or long rest.


by Artie_Navarre (Pixabay)
Many fauna and flora found on Vosov can be dangerous, including the sapient species. But it is often the hidden ones you must be careful around. Blighted spores are far deadlier than a dragon when it comes to releasing undetectable gaseous spores into the air.
by OpenClipart-Vectors (Pixabay)
  The sapient beings on Vosov have taken advantage of the technological age given to them by outer-world species, like the nekomata. They simply started excavating mountains and underground caverns for metals and other elements to create starships, cruisers, battleships, and any other type of ship that could fly through space.   Due to their excavations, there are not many wild habitats left. This has caused a decrease in the local wildlife and vegetation, which has slowly began to decline the oxygen levels of the atmosphere. The ships that come and go from the upper atmosphere leave traces of "space aether" behind, a special type of arcana that can only be accessed by the fae.

Solar System

Vosov is the second planet from Noella, the Sun Soul and is very similar to Earth through gravity, mass, diameter, and atmosphere. The major difference from Earth is that Vosov makes one full spin on its axis every twenty hours and a single year takes 400 days.


by Amelia Nite (Paint)
Vosov is an inhabitable planet that holds a temperate climate suitable for humanoids, and has a range of temperatures that fluctuate based upon the seasons. The seasonal changes on Vosov come with the rotation of the axis. As the temperatures grow warmer, the planet tips toward Noella to bask in her warmth, whereas the colder seasons cause Vosov to lean away from Noella.   In the diagram on the left, each season is depicated by a short abbreviation for each season (IG stands for icegrasp, RC is for raincall, GC makes for glimmercrest, and AS stands for auburnspell) that shows where the axis is leaning. The axis changes course every three months, starting with raincall in the month of Icogh, followed by glimmercrest in Cahulm, and auburnspell in Floduz, and finally, icegrasp in Kruqesk.

Fauna & Flora


by Ed! (Wikimedia)
Many unique flora grow on Vosov, the most famous being the luna flower, that can only be found in a luna grove in various wolf pack settlements. Other flora include frost and fire nettle trees and wolfsbane, which are deadly to certain species, like vampires and werewolves.


by DrSJS (Pixabay)
While most would consider dragons to be part of the local fauna, they are actually a sapient species capable to polymorphing from their dragon shape into a humanoid one, and also being able to communicate, fight, and cast arcana spells perfectly well among other humanoids.   Instead, Vosov is home to a variety of innocent and deadly creatures, such as luna moths, the undead, unicorns, dracats, and frost goats.

Natural Resources

by c1n3ma (Pexels)
For centuries, the humanoids living on Vosov have been mining, farming, and drilling for resources to help them survive and grow. Forest and crops were the first to be discovered as food is a necessity for all living beings. Then came mining from the dwarves, who saw profit with precious metals like gold and diamonds. Dwarven technology led into the discovery of drills that could forage for other resources. This brought about natural gas that is used to keep eletricity running in the poorer countries.

Table of Contents

The Cortex

by Amelia Nite (Planet Maker)

Diameter: x1
Mass: x1
Gravity: x1
Athmosphere: Normal
Day: 20 hours; Year: 400 days

Location under
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Contested By
Inhabiting Species
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Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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