The Arcane Chronciles

The Arcane Chronicles A Sea of Souls

5th of Sroqo, 3094 EoND

Created by

Editorial Team

Many centuries ago, it was foretold it would come; the prophetized end of the world at the hands of the King. Centered on the world of Vosov, Captain Lucian McClain of the BS Neon is tasked with assassinating this "King".
In the beginning, around 15 billion years ago, there was only the void, an endless sea of darkness. Then with a flash of light through the darkness, ten ancient, yet powerful beings awoke, shaking off their slumber to see the void spread out before them. These ten beings were known as the Fates, who are the original celestials in the universe. They are the reason any life was created in the first place. With each of their names tying in with each of their abilities, the Fates sought to bring meaning to the endless void and used their power to form two sources of energy from their souls, Noella, the Golden Light and Bavara, the Blue Light.   As it is impossible for light to exist without darkness, another consciousness immediately slipped out of the Fates, calling herself Vavheia, the Eternal Darkness, who ruled over the darkest and coldest corners of the known universe. All these beings used the chaos to fuel their powers and so brought into being the formless planes of light and dark. Bavara saw Vavheia as a polluter of the chaos and battled with her. At this point, the concepts of time and space did not exist, so in the end, the conflict was meaningless. Eventually, Bavara began to whipser in the ears of the Fates and Sun, convincing them to believe that Vavheia was forsaken, twisted from her true purpose of keeping the dark void in check.   And so, the Fates banished Vavheia beyond the reach of the material plane, while letting Noelle and Bavara watch over the planet, Vosov. In doing so, dark void that surrounded the small planet burst with tiny divisions called souls, and the Fates spread out in search of a mediator to better regulate the chaos that seemed to wander between the souls, reaping disorder wherever it touched.  



Ilurat Expanse