Old Raven Tower Building / Landmark in The Approach | World Anvil

Old Raven Tower

At A Glance

The Old Raven Tower was a ruined watchtower that rested atop the eastern portion of the Border Hills. It had been used a landmark by travelers and adventurers north of the hills. It is unknown if the tower had been explored previously although conventional wisdom would indicate that it had not been.

At A Glance

Spring of 117-

Purpose / Function


While its original name has been lost to history, the Old Raven Tower was known to have been erected to watch over the great trade road that ran east-west across the Central Approach. Placed atop the hills it had a high vantage point and clear observation of the scrublands below it where the Trade Road once ran.


Old Aendorian



The Old Raven Tower's demise was surely due to dark dweomer as it crumbled as if decaying a thousand years over approximately a week in 117 YA. This event coincided with the exploration by the companions and their subsequent encounter with an Elderwrath cult.
Spring 85-90, 117 YA
Parent Location
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