House Beneath The Hills Building / Landmark in The Approach | World Anvil

House Beneath The Hills

21-22nd of Summer, 117 YS

The HOUSE BENEATH THE HILLS revealed to our Companions that many of the structures that once stood in the Kirenos Hills were still intact—buried away beneath a century of dirt and the earth-wrenching COLLAPSE. Unfortunately for the Companions and those still in their house at the time of the Collapse… more than a century of trapped hunger makes for a dangerous house-call.

Following the scent of treasure after discovering an old jade statue, the Companions delved beneath the Hills themselves for the first time. The Companions came face to face with lurching and scuttling Undead such as the zombified remains of the long-starved owners and the Ghoul pack that had taken up residence within it. It was the first time in many years that GRIMBOULD had been knocked off his feet--a victim of the numbing necrotic saliva exuded by the abominations. While much of the place was trashed over the past century, the Companions found an antique rug amongst other bright and shiny baubles that made their trip worthwhile. Not to mention the Ghoul hands...


The home was that of an affluent family and contained multiple rooms include spacious kitchens and several bedrooms. It was a single-level dwelling and constructed in a manner believed to be MANTHERIAN in origin that has remained popular throughout the years.
House, Large
Parent Location


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