Edvern Mothair Character in The Approach | World Anvil

Edvern Mothair

Mage | Academy of the Enigmas

Edvern Mothair

At A Glance

Edvern Mothair is well-dressed, urbane and can appear to be condescending when faced with individuals whom he perceives to be of less intellect or understanding. However, barring this unpleasant tendency, he is an honest, determined individual who respects all who struggle against inimical forces in this day and age. He is a dweomercrafter of knowledge and skill. A member of the Academy of Enigmas in Auredain, he often works closely with the Church of Auredain and other groups investigating dark occult activity with a particular scholarly interest in the Elderwraths.


Sister Raenira of the Shield was dispatched by the Church of Auredain hierarchy to investigate the news sent by Prospit Trima regarding the Elderwrath Cult of Raven Tower. Accompanied by Edvern Mothair and Captain Thandas, they traveled to Dyramar Keep to meet with the Companions.

Shortly after that, they headed out to the Old Raven Tower to investigate the Companions' claims and discovered that it was no exaggeration. With the aid of Edvern's magic, Sister Raenira collapsed and buried the last known entrance and cave complex under tons of rock and soil.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mage of the Academy of Enigmas
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by art_astrophe


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