Chapter I, Part 2 Report in The Approach | World Anvil

Chapter I, Part 2

General Summary

Into The Wild

Spring 27-30, 117 YA

The companions set out on the morning’s ascent north and into the wilds. A short trip down from the hills where Dyramar Keep lay onto the rough ground of the rocky rolls of the lands north. Only two leagues from the Keep, the companions came upon a pile of flattened stones which signified the limits of Auredain patrols and, beyond which, lay true wilds. They moved more carefully now and kept to the low-lying dips between the rise and fall of the ground. Tracks could be seen here and there but nothing definite enough for making out their origin. It was later in the evening when they settled down for a cold camp to pass the night.

The following day they continued north and to the west. The companions could feel that they were not alone out here amongst the rocks and scrub; an eerie perception of being watched unwillingly crept up their spines. It was near midday when they observed from a distance a large outcropping of stone. Slate-grey and thirty feet high, it jutted out from the land as if it stood as the sole unburied portion of some great monolith. They crept towards it carefully and skirted the base of the stone. A crevice was a tight fit but they wriggled their way into a small rocky tunnel that ended abruptly in a rock face. Some time and discussion determined that the widened tunnel was not natural and that, therefore, this rock face must have some means of entry. While thief probed and others prodded, they were denied any notion of how to open such a rock face. In the end, after some aborted attempts to walk through the wall, it was Tomas who discovered the way forward.

With his eyes closed he simply met no resistance and passed through the wall. He blinked his eyes when he heard the others shouting that he had disappeared. He gazed down a narrow corridor that led to iron-banded wooden door over nine feet tall and nearly as wide. The others joined him and they marveled at the size of the door. The tunnel was clearly worked stone and yet the size of the portal dimmed their courageous hearts. After a heated discussion, they left the cave and made their way back out into the cold sun of the Spring day with a promise to return someday.

A day of traveling led to a night’s camp and a quiet night. Unfortunately, it did not remain so. Early in the night, those on watch caught sight of pinpricks of light in the distance; a line of small sparks on the darkened landscape. The others were awoken as the line of torches, as they could be seen for such now, spread out and moved closer. It was undoubtedly a search line and it was headed right for them. The group quickly broke camp in the darkness and, counting the torches at near a dozen not counting those hidden in the darkness, decided that discretion was the better part of valor. They stumbled and scooted west in the darkness. Not knowing their path, they reckoned only to avoid the group now clearly searching for them and close at hand. It was a mad rush through the rocky ground and their breath came ragged until they could smell the water of the Auran River and hear its banks lapped by the current.

The companions found cover downslope towards the river where the vegetation was thicker and huddled quietly. The line of torches continued to grow closer and harsh voices, subhuman, called out to each other as if searching earnestly for the group. The torches drew to a stop near the top of the rise leading down to their location and hesitated before turning and headed away to continue the search. Seizing the moment, the companions moved as quiet as possible along the banks of the river for a couple miles until they felt it was safe enough to return east. In doing so, they crested the rise to wade through fog to an image of stone stillness and great beauty.

The sound of birds and woodland animals in the dark fog seemed strange here in the flats where sounds of life had been few and far between. The air smelled of rich earth and was soft beneath their feet as they moved forward to a line of shapes indistinct yet before them. They passed through the fog into a clearing where a half-dozen towering, old oak trees with wide boughs and full leaves despite the youth of the season surrounded a stone henge circle. The companions crept slowly forward until they could discern that the place was silent and yet still felt someone was close by. A stone altar stood within the circle and the divine workers amongst the group grew worried of some dark magics but there was no such feeling here. Only a calm and sense of stillness amidst the chaos of the night’s flight. Exhausted, they wearily and yet wisely, they felt, chose to camp outside the stones yet near the great trunks of the oaks. There they set a weary watch while the others collapsed to rest.

It was with great concern when they discovered later that Tomas had been ensorcelled and that the great oak trees seemed responsible. It was only with some overt entreaties that the residents of the trees came forth and formed amongst the mist into six Dryads of green hair and sparkling eyes. Tomas had caught the eye of Bryana, one of the Dryads, and she had taken him for her own. It was a long session of negotiation with the Dryads with Prospit and Rhys carrying the conversation with Endellion, the eldest of the Dryads. Though disturbed by the companions presence, the Dryads were more curious than anything and mention of the Foul Folk on their trail led to true anger amongst the sylvan spirits; their hair flowing red in fury.

The Six Sisters, as Endellion named them, had inhabited this grove and henge for countless generations. She speak of the old kingdoms of Aendor, Laurus and Carotan as if they were yesterday’s memories. Patiently, the companions learned a little of their history and their isolation out here. The Six Sisters guarded the grove and kept it a sanctuary since their trees had first sprouted leaves. A time so long ago that Endellion was unable to even guess. They knew not the passage of time like mortals. But, as Endellion told it, they had made peace and treaties with the men and elves of the old kingdoms for once a great road passed through these lands and across the River Auran to the west. The grove was not far from this road and the travelers and merchants would often spend the night beneath the oak leaves for it was kept safe from those of ill-will upon the road. This arrangement suited all and the Dryads made merriment and friendships with those of the old kingdoms who traveled through on their way about the lands.

Endellion spoke longingly of the small offerings and gifts that were laid upon the altar for their protection. Flowers, shiny stones and offerings of all kinds were left in exchange for a night of peaceful rest beneath the trees. The other Dryads seemed truly forlorn as they remembered better days. For, Endellion indicated, those days came to an end and there were Squamma everywhere amongst the land. These Squamma, subhumans it seemed like orcs and goblins, killed and raided and the travelers stopped coming. Endellion grew angry as she spoke of the flight of the people from the land that had treated them so well. Her hair incandesced red as she recalled the Elves who fled these parts and did not return; leaving the Six Sisters alone in the dark.
"Your elves ran and hid. Your Duergar dug too deep. We want none of them here amongst us."
— Endellion, Eldest Sister
Endellion seemed to taste the title ‘The Taking’ and looked interestedly at the companions. Your kind labels this as a taking, she inquired, that you consider this some form of theft that you were pushed out of these lands and yet you did not stay and fight for it. There were less birds in the air or flowers in the ground, the Dryad keened, for they could feel the heavy footsteps of something dark upon the lands of the Named. The companions told the Dryads of the Taking and the fall of these kingdoms that they remembered so well. The talk of the group informed the Dryads that the travelers of old and their kingdoms were long gone and swallowed up by the subhuman hordes over a century ago.

And so, Endellion and the companions struck a bargain. The companions could seek sanctuary here and ask them questions of times long past in exchange for a resumption of the gifts of old. Things from other peoples, gifts of flowers not seen, and trinkets and shiny stones like in the older days. And each of the companions swore to come to the aid of the Six Sisters should they be called upon. It was a weighty promise that many in the group, especially the godsworn, labored at but they deemed it necessary and that no demand of the Sisters was likely to run afoul of their own creed given their hatred for the Squamma.
“These mushrooms grow under the mountains. We want nothing to do with these.”
— Endellion, after being offered the bag of Cariv powder
And so the companions drifted to sleep, warded by sylvan spirits and natural dweomer, safe in the sanctuary of the Six Sisters. All except Tomas, that is, who chose to spend the night with Bryana and seemed much refreshed by it in the morning. Even if his eyes did have a heavy touch of infatuation in them come the morning.

A Well-Earned Rest

Spring 30-49, 117 YA

The companions arrived back at Dyramar Keep weary but excited about their prospects. They had made allies of the ancient sylvan spirits within the Grove and discovered that subhumans were out in some numbers as well as keeping watch on the northern scrublands. Upon settling in behind the walls, the companions got a fine meal and much beer at the Traveler’s Inn. They discussed staying in the Keep and seeking equipment as well as training amongst the keepfolk here. A time of rest, they claimed, since they were still in possession of much of the coin from the goblin cave. It was agreed that they would spend several weeks in the Keep to ensure they were sharp enough to return to the north.

Led by Prospit, the companions checked in with the Keep leadership as they were required to do under their charter. They met Essara, the Bailiff of the Keep and right-hand of Lord-Steward Eriam, and she indicated that she would take their reports whenever possible. They spoke to her of the subhumans that had chased them and Essara grew pensive as she explained that there was little doubt that their old enemies were still in great numbers to the north. The Bailiff indicated that such information was of incredible importance and bringing it to the Keep’s attention would be rewarded. She matched deeds to words and provided them with a small amount of coin. The Keep, she stated, was under constant threat of being attacked by the subhumans and so vigilance and information was of the utmost importance. That is why, Essara explained, that the Keep was offering training in basic cartography and scouting skills to any who sought it. She indicated that such training would help adventurers as well as the Keep. The companions thanked her for the coin and made their own way out.

The companions spent the next couple weeks attending to training and other tasks. Prospit took up Essara’s offer and learned the art of map-making which went well with his mastery of the written word. In addition, he secured storage space within the warehousing space available within the keep for unneeded gear. Tomas and Rhys looked around and discovered a sergeant in the Keep’s garrison, Erlik of Dyramar, was willing to provide some arms training in exchange for coin. A fee agreed upon, the other companions available also joined in the daily training sessions. Brother Kili spent much of his time at the Sentinel's Chapel deep in prayer. As the days turned into weeks, the coin of the companions begin to grow scarce as they enjoyed their beds at the Inn and time amongst the keepfolk.

Like clings to like and it was not long before Rhys found his way to Mouse's store with the bag of Red Sand. The merchant’s eyes bulged at the sight of it and they quickly made a deal for Mouse to purchase it. Rhys was pleased to have rid himself of the thing even though the price had been low by his own reckoning. But the possibility of discovery and execution for possessing the illicit narcotic was worth the loss of full value in coins. Let the Hin deal with the danger now. Rhys was well-rid of it. In addition, the coins were much-needed by his group.

New Faces & Fond Farewells

Spring 51-60, 117 YA

The past weeks had been good to the companions even if their purses were near dry. They had even made the acquaintance of new faces in search of adventure who had agreed to accompany them into the north. The new folk were even now getting their kit and readying themselves as the companions made preparations for the next expedition. So it was a sad night at the Traveler’s Inn when Brother Kili informed the group that he would be staying behind to assist Sister Karia at the Chapel. Adventure was grand, he indicated, but his calling was to the reclamation of the land and that started here within these walls. While attempts were made, the Dwarf was not to be dissuaded and so the night was spent in drinking and promises of friendship well into the future.

The next few days were hectic with preparations and readying the new faces to the group. A fine lot they were indeed. There was Geller, a ranger and pathfinder, from southern Auredain; Greevik, a Dwarven barbarian of fearsome aspect; and Corthaine, a Half-Shaelovanni dweomercrafter out of Ilaern. By spending the next few days together, the group coalesced and became familiar enough that it was deemed a good time to head out. That and they were almost all out of coin.

Rewards Granted

Dryad Meal & Rations

The morning after awakening in the Grove of the Six Sisters, the companions found a fine meal of nuts, berries and soft loamy bread to break their fast. There was enough of it that it was packed up and the group found it most invigorating; adding speed to their stride.


Character(s) interacted with

Six Sisters: A gathering of Dryads that reside in six large oak trees surrounding a stone henge. The eldest Sister is Endellion. Tomas Kennet and Bryana are fond of each other.

Bailiff Essara: Bailiff of Dyramar Keep
The Company

Prospit Trima, Human Cleric of the Divine Triune
Rhys, Human Thief-Acrobat
Tomas Kennet, Human Fighter
Kili Oakenshield, Dwarven Cleric of Divine Triune

Report Date
19 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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