Sentinel's Chapel Building / Landmark in The Approach | World Anvil

Sentinel's Chapel

Chapel of the Divine Triune within Dyramar Keep


The Chapel is maintained by Sister Karia and the newly-arrived Brother Kili Oakenshield. The chapel maintains a domestic, Istari, who cleans sporadically when she comes in from the neighboring village.


Nestled up against the wall of the inner bailey, the Church of the Sentinel part of the inner keep's walls. While the primary focus is on the divine Ahniseta, there are several shrines in here dedicated to the other Virtues and Vigils of the Divine Triune. The church was originally a brothel or gambling hall of some type so it has only recently removed the wooden floors to reveal the stone pavers below. The stonework near the dais and altar are on-going.
Alternative Names
Dyramar Chapel
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location