The Zhedakarians Ethnicity in The Angellonian Sagas | World Anvil

The Zhedakarians

The Tribe of Zhedakarians, descendants of Zhedakar himself. they are the one of the most deadliest warriors of the Angellonians, they are natural born warriors with combat prowess unlike no other. Making up of only 50% of the Angellonian population, they greatly outnumber all of the other tribes.  
(This Zhedakm warrior is called white stripes, for he has white stripes upon his body. this attire is mostly seen being worn by recruits or newcomers of the Zhedakm army. having only their sword and dagger with basic recruit armor)

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Deadly Ivy, Mighty Ocean, Strong Blizzard are some of the Zhedakm females are called by.

Masculine names

Mighty Spear, Quick blades, Sharp Tusks, Sword of God are some of the names that Zhedakm males are called by.

Unisex names

Long Tusks, Razor Fangs, Hooked Claws, Sharp Tongue, Quick Killer, Slow Killer, Quick Striker.

Family names

One of the very well known family names is the "Firesword" family who have gained this name for using fire on their blades and had inflamed an entire planet causing it to become ash for many years.

Other names

Zhedakar, White Stripes, Quick Feet (These examples are purely unique as nobody as had these names except white stripes with only seven people ever having that name and quick feet with only having twleve people ever being named during the times of the Angellonian empire).


Shared customary codes and values

All Angellonians are viewed by the Zhedakm as sometimes not strong enough and in need of their protection (even though that might not be the case) making them quite arrogant (like the dude who is "saving" damsels in distress).

Average technological level

the Zhedakm are not seen as designers of craftsman but there have been only two who attempted such a field: Hus'pol and Mighty fangs. Hus'Pol died attempting the invention of flight and Mighty Fangs accidentally invented Aetherium gas which was then used as a chemical weapon in future wars, also his whole body was forever scarred and he was renamed as Scarred Body.

Common Etiquette rules

Zhedakm can agree that you do not fight an opponent that can not defend itself and females. When you greet a fellow Zhedakm warrior who is above rank, you salute them, while those who are equal rank lock their right arm to their right arm and those who are below rank you await to be saluted to.

Common Dress code

They tend to be the most loose with their dress code. as they tend to not cover their bodies accordingly to the commandments of Eloh. but there are some clans that do follow that dress code. they tend to wear red and gold and black clothing. Males are also expected to wear some form of armor on them at all times except when they are sleeping.

Art & Architecture

They put their tribes pattern on their weapons and architecture. they also color their buildings with red and gold and black.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Whenever a Zhedakm comes across an opponent they deemed worthy as an equal they make sure to give them an honorable death (by the opponents version of an honorable enough death as long as it didn't break the Angellonian commandments from Eloh) and give them a proper burial, burying their opponent with a trinket of theirs or even sometimes their own weapon that they held with them in battle. this usually happens during a duel or when they are fighting an enemy in a non-war combat scenario.

Coming of Age Rites

When a male becomes 16 years old they are expected to duel all of the males within their family and in some cases their clan. and if that male can subdue everyone of them he is then seen as an official adult male. however another way to become an official adult is for a zhedakm male to be in war and to win his first battle without being severely wounded, but to some clans being severely wounded shows that they were able to survive and in some cases more impressive.

Funerary and Memorial customs

when a Zhedakm dies he is cremated and his weapons and armor are given to their chosen heir.

Common Taboos

Zhedakm do not want their daughters to marry "weak" males or males who are not of the Zhedakm tribe unless they can prove their worth to the family patriarch. And it is an abomination for a Zhedakm to surrender and would rather die in battle then to surrender.


Beauty Ideals

Many of the males like to adorn themselves with bone tattoos of religious texts and veterans usually put their rank and legion number and if a friend had died then they would also put the name, birth and death date of their best friend. both males and females like to put symmetrical pattern bone tattoos on themselves and a married couple might even get matching patterns or quotes on their horns.

Courtship Ideals

If a male were to marry a female he would have to first challenge her family's patriach to a non-lethal duel and if he were to be victorious then it would honor her family to allow them to court. Then they will get to know each other for around half of the year but can't be near each other unless her brother(s) or a male family member is around them. And  after those months the male will then offer his sword or spear or armor and if the female were to take it and polish and or sharpen it, then they are officially going to get married. And then the patriarchs of both families will have to then exchange gifts of weapons and armor and in some cases the males from each family would casually wrestle against each other and get aquainted, and the matriarchs alongside with their daughters will have to begin preparing for the ceremony. once all of that is complete both families and their guests will sit around the married couple at the male's family property and an Angellonian priest will recite their vows and offer a wedding sacrifice for them and he will officially wed them as husband and wife.

Relationship Ideals

They are monogamous.   platonically they make friends with those from the same squad as them or those they had fought alongside with.

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