Sun Elves - The Saved Ones Species in The Ancestor Isles | World Anvil
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Sun Elves - The Saved Ones

The Sun Elves (Eladrin in their elvish dialect) are one of two Elvish off-shoots of the Elder Race known as the Avariel. During the First Realm Invasion, many Avariel were killed off, driving them to near extinction. However, many were taken prisoner to be used as experiments by Zedes, the first Realm Walker and son of the Archfiend Zel'goth. During the torture and experiments, the imprisoned Avariel were clipped of their wings, subjected to dark magicks, and starved of sustenance and sunlight. Even with the promises to end the harsh treatment if they submitted, some of the Avariel refused, calling out to Visdarr for a merciful death. For their faith and strength, wanting to die as they were than live and serve such evil, Visdarr reached out to reward them. Freeing them from their torment and making them reborn, as Sun Elves, The Saved Ones.  
Biology, Appearance and Lifespan
The Sun Elves have smooth skin with a light golden hue of varying shades. Like their Elder cousins, the Avariel, and their non-Elder cousins, the Drow, the Sun Elves have pointed ears. They are often considered beautiful but with an intimidating posture and stance. Due to their origins, the Sun Elves have a shorter lifespan than the Avariel but still maintain a lengthy life compared to other non-Elder races. Their average lifespan is of around 200 to 225 years, with their oldest aging up to around 270.
Society, Culture & Religion
The Sun Elves are common sight in the wider, continental society unlike their disgraced cousins, the Drow. A few decades after their transformation, a few Avariel visited their cousins to guide them in cultural development but the Sun Elves wanted to be their own people and formed the first true Elvish kingdom, the Dominion of the Sun Elves, against the Avariel's wishes and causing their cousins to return to their mountains, to rarely be seen for millennia. Over time, the Sun Elves adopted traditions and stories from their cousin's history, pursuing the art of war and study. Magick and mundane, believing themselves to have found true balance and peace as a people.
  Over the first few centuries of their development, the Sun Elves interacted with mysterious races of unknown origin. The humans and the Catfolk. Through these interactions, knowledge and culture was shared. The humans worshipped similar deities and the catfolk followed similar ones, but in the form of spirits. Over time, the Sun Elves religion shaped to be centered on three main deities. Adarr, Cizta, and Cynoswith their patron savior of old, Visdarr. They believe that anyone else who is claimed to be an Aethereal Lord to simply be a strong, benevolent spirit.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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