The Free City of Hallowhold Organization in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

The Free City of Hallowhold (Hal-low-hold)


More of a fortress than a city, the citadel of Hallowhold sits atop a cliff overlooking the vast seas of the Mythraiæn Tear, with a lighthouse beaming out light to guide ships in thick fog and darkness. A place of piety and good will, boasting a strong military though lacking in naval power. Hallowhold is ruled by an elected Lord-Defender whom oversees the garrison and politics of the city while also being a stalwart defender of the core values the people hold dear. Perhaps most interesting is the prominent statues of Jaxus, God of Honor that prominent guard the Citadel, the main difference being the choice of weapon, a trident instead of a longsword which lead many to believe that the city was founded with ideals from the distant River Kingdoms.

Standing in Defiance

Founding Date
A6 9481
Geopolitical, Free City
Alternative Names
The Citadel of Light
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy


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