Humans Species in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil


Humans are a baseline race for many universes and thus are present in most of them. However, Humans throughout the Al'Akyrian Realms are not quite as populace as other races and definitely are losing the war of population with the much longer-lived Elves.

Basic Information


Homo sapiens, or humans, have all of the standard human anatomy and morphology. This is to say they are a bipedal creature which walk on two legs which end in feet and typically have five toes. Just as well they have a torso which contains most of their vital organs and two arms of which are found protruding from the top of aforementioned torso. These arms end in hands with five digits, four fingers and a thumb. Above the torso yet is the head with the brain as well as other orifices to allow for breathing, speaking, hearing, among other things. The human is also typically made up of several layers, such as the skin, the muscle underneath that which allows for bending of the limbs and also helps give humans their strength. Underneath all of that is their skeleton which is the bones which help the human keep his shape without turning into a puddle. Veins and organs are located throughout the human body in all of their typical spots to give the human life.

Genetics and Reproduction

All of the usual human reproduction stuff goes here.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans, due to their shorter life-span are rather quick growers and typically hit puberty rather early in life. Just as well, biologically they are technically an adult at about the age of 16-18.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Humans all have a rather average IQ Range.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans typically have regular vision that is not light-sensitive or allows them to see particularly well in the dark. They also have a sense of smell and the ability to hear that is not any different from normal. Furthermore, humans also have the sensory ability to touch and taste things as per normal.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
Shashamir, Wilden, Nimbelden, and Tithan
55 Years
Average Height
4'8-6'2 or 1.4-1.9 Meters
Average Weight
110-210lbs or 49.9-95.3kg
Average Physique
Humans have all different varieties of physiques.
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Humans


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