Mar-Aduk Character in The Age of Swords | World Anvil


Mar-Aduk, dreaded serpent of the deserts, devourer of the unworthy, bringer of plague and disease.   Mar-Aduk is the serpent child of Nehereseth and Ra-Avan. He devours the souls of those who died and are deemed unworthy by his mother when they are judged. The serpent god seeks to devour the multiverse in his everlasting hunger. To stop this from happening, Amun'atep, the god of lions and war, fights with Mar-Aduk daily. Legends tell that during one battle, Mar-Aduk managed to bite Amun'atep and fatally poison him. Qaen-Re then tended to the Amun'atep's wounds preventing the war-god from dying.   Pestilence and plague are also credited to Mar-Aduk's name, believing the serpent god bring pestilence to the world to allow the unworthy souls to be fed to him.

Divine Domains

Serpents, Plague, Hunger  

Affiliated character options:

Cleric domains: Grave, Madness, Pestilence, Trickery
Paladin oaths: Treachery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A great serpent, coiled and eating its own tail.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Mar-Aduk seeks to eventually devour the entire multiverse ending with devouring itself.
Divine Classification

Cover image: by Theo Eilertsen Photography