Qaen-Re Character in The Age of Swords | World Anvil


Qaen-Re, the goddess of cranes and rivers, bringer of life, the great mother. The crane goddess is a major deity and worshipped as such. Many settlements in Kahaan exist by her grace in the form of flowing rivers. She carries the water from the mountains and springs to the seas. She tends to the wounded and sick.
  After a particular vicious battle between war god Amun'atep and god-serpent Mar-Aduk, Qaen-Re tended to the wounds of Amun'atep. He was badly poisoned by his adversaries deadly venom. If not for Qaen-Re sucking the venom from his wounds he would have certainly died. In appreciation, Amun'atep asked Qaen-Re to give life to the puddle of venom and birth a daughter for him. From the venom came Shamash, the cat goddess of protection.

Divine Domains

Cranes, Life, Rivers, Birth  

Associated character options:

Cleric domains: Life, Nature, Water
Paladin oaths: Ancients, Devotion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The head of a crane
Divine Classification

Cover image: by Theo Eilertsen Photography