Campaign Turn 1 Report in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Campaign Turn 1

General Summary

Captain Rege Robail and his crew aboard the Worn Freighter "Hard Bargain" have reached the planet of Mariakorg and have set up camp in the city of Calaveras Field. In order to operate in the city, they had to pay 4 credits for a Patron license and 1 credit for upkeep. In addition, they also paid 2 credits for interest on their ship loan.  

Masu and Bricken Go Trading

  Masu and Bricken went to the market in Calaveras Field on the planet Mariakorg to see what they could trade. They perused the stalls and vendors, looking for anything of value they could barter with. They haggled with merchants and finally came away with a pre-owned repair bot, two stim-packs, and two med-patches. The stim-packs and med-patches were crucial supplies for the crew to have on hand in case of emergency.   The used repair bot is a rusty and worn machine, with several dents and scratches along its outer casing. It stands at about three feet tall, and has multiple arms and tools that can be extended to perform various tasks. Despite its rough appearance, the bot is still in working condition, though it will require some repairs before it can be fully operational. Hopefully the crew can get it fixed and operational as soon as possible, as it will be a valuable asset in the future. Masu and Bricken returned to the crew with their newly acquired items, ready for their next mission.  

Esan and Hivoo Go Exploring

  Hivoo was feeling restless. He had been cooped up on the ship for far too long and was eager to stretch his legs. So, when Esan suggested they go explore the city of Calaveras Field on the planet Mariakorg, Hivoo was all in.   Esan was browsing the stalls at the open air market, lost in thought as she listened to the murmur of the vendors and customers around her. She had heard a rumor circulating among the vendors and spacers that a new criminal organization was starting to make its presence known in the sector. Esan was skeptical, but intrigued nonetheless.   As they made their way through the bustling market, Hivoo felt alive. The sights, sounds, and smells of the alien city were new and exciting. He was so caught up in the experience that he didn't even see the Tech Ganger until it was too late.   The ganger, clearly annoyed by Hivoo's carefree attitude, bumped into him hard and snarled a threat. Hivoo, always one for a good scrap, didn't back down. He retorted with a few choice words and before he knew it, the two of them were trading blows.   The fight was intense and Hivoo held his own for a while. But eventually, the tech ganger pulled out a knife and that was it. Hivoo was no stranger to danger, but he wasn't about to take on a knife with his bare hands. He tried to back away, but the ganger was relentless.   It was only thanks to Esan's quick thinking that Hivoo made it out of the altercation alive. The two of them hightailed it back to the ship and Hivoo was patched up by the med bay. But the damage was done, and Hivoo was stuck there for the next three turns, nursing his wounds.   It was a hard lesson, but Hivoo learned to be more careful in the future. He was lucky to have made it out of that fight in one piece.   As she made her way back to their ship with Hivoo in tow, Esan couldn't help but think about the elusive new criminal organization. If they were already making their presence known in the sector, it could spell trouble for her and her crew. She vowed to keep a closer eye out for any signs of their involvement in the future.  

Rege and Brister Look for Patrons

  Rege and Brister decided that the best place to find a patron would be in the administrative center. As they walked through the bustling city, they were referred to Alexander Novak, a wealthy businessman with connections to the Orion Group. As Rege and Brister stepped into Novak's dimly lit office he looked up at the two men, and a small smile played across his face.   "Ah, Captain Robail and Mr. Brister. I've been expecting you," Novak said, rising from his seat. "Please, have a seat."   Rege and Brister took the offered chairs and listened as Novak outlined the job offer. He was in need of a crew to perform an extraction job, and he was willing to pay well for it. The catch was that the job was dangerous and required a crew that was both skilled and discreet.   "I believe your crew would be the perfect fit for this job," Novak said. "I have connections with the Orion Group, and they have assured me that your reputation is beyond reproach."   Rege and Brister were intrigued by the offer, but they were hesitant to accept without discussing it with the rest of the crew. They listened as Novak outlined the details of the job and the payment, and then they promised to take the offer back to the crew for a decision.   "I understand your caution," Novak said. "But I must stress the urgency of this matter. Time is of the essence. I trust that you'll come to a decision quickly."   Rege and Brister thanked Novak for the opportunity and took their leave. They knew that the crew would have to weigh the risks against the potential reward, but they also knew that this job could be a turning point for the Hard Bargain and her crew   As Rege and Brister left the meeting with Alexander Novak, they stepped out into the busy street, both deep in thought. Brister was the first to speak up, "What do you think of that offer from Novak?"   Rege sighed, "I don't know. The pay is good, but the risks are high. I don't want to put the crew in unnecessary danger."   Brister nodded, "Agreed. But we need to make some money soon or we'll be out of business. Maybe we should see if there are any other opportunities out there."   They continued to make their way through the administrative center, checking in with various groups and looking for any potential jobs. They then decided to move to the market area. They had approached several merchants and shopkeepers, but nothing seemed promising. It wasn't until they stumbled upon a small boutique that they found their next potential job.   "Good afternoon, gentlemen," said a cheerful woman behind the counter. "How may I assist you today?"   "We're looking for potential patron jobs," Brister said. "We heard you might be in need of some assistance."   The woman, who introduced herself as Clarice Rhodes, smiled warmly. "Indeed, I do have a job that I could use some help with. I run this boutique and have been having some trouble with a group of thieves who have been stealing my merchandise. I need someone to protect my store while I'm away on business."   Rege and Brister listened intently as she explained the details of the job. The danger pay was low, only a few credits, but what could you expect from such a simple job? Despite the low payout, Rege and Brister made a promise to Clarice to bring the job offer to the rest of the crew for a final decision.   As they walked away from the boutique, Rege and Brister couldn't help but feel disappointed in the low payout. "Novak's job looks better and better," Brister said. "We can't rely on a few credits to keep us afloat."   Rege agreed, "But we can't be quick to choose a dangerous mission either. We need to consider every opportunity that comes our way. We'll discuss it with the crew and see what they think."   As they made their way back to their ship, the Hard Bargain, Rege and Brister continued to discuss their encounters with Novak and Rhodes. They were determined to find the right balance between what was necessary for their crew's survival and what would bring in a fair wage. They weighed the pros and cons of both jobs, but they were ultimately inclined towards Novak’s offer due to the higher payout. They would bring it to the rest of the crew, but they felt confident that they would agree with their assessment.  

Decision Time

  The crew of the Worn Freighter "Hard Bargain" had a meeting to discuss the two patron jobs they had found. Captain Rege Robail and Brister sat at the table, surrounded by their crewmates Esan, Masu and Bricken (Hivoo was in the Med Bay recovering from his injuries. They had just returned from their job hunt, bringing back two offers from two different patrons.   Brister started, "We found two patrons, one with an easy job and one with a difficult, dangerous job."   "Let's start with the easy one," Rege said, unfolding a piece of paper. "We've got a wealthy individual who needs a job done. The pay is only one credit, but the danger pay is an additional credit upon success."   "That's not much," Bricken commented. "What's the job?"   "It's a demanding job," Rege replied. "There's no benefit or hazard mentioned in the offer, but we'll only get paid if we succeed."   The crew looked at each other, unsure about the job. It was a low payout and the lack of information was concerning.   "What about the difficult offer?" Esan asked.   "This one is from a corporation," Rege continued. "They're offering three credits plus two rolls for mission pay. The time frame is immediate and if we succeed, we'll gain a connection and a quest rumor."   "But there's a catch," Brister added. "It's a hot job and we might earn an enemy after the job. If we fail, the patron becomes our rival."   Rege added, "The mission is to recover a data packet from the shanty town up in the north. We will have to face a group of seven Tech Gangers, armed with blast rifles and plasma rifles. The deployment conditions are pretty dire in the shanty town, it is very gloomy with maximum visibility of 9 inches, we can only deploy 3 at a time, and we have a four-round time limit for the recovery."   "I wonder if these are the same Tech Gangers that put Hivoo in the Med Bay?" Esan asked. "If so, a little payback would be sweet!"   "I say we take the second offer," Masu declared. "The pay is higher and we might pick up a quest rumor."   "I agree," Bricken nodded. "We need the credits and the extra information could come in handy."   The crew continued discussing the pros and cons of each job, weighing the risks and rewards. In the end, they decided to take on the second offer from the corporation.   "I will make arrangements with Novak." Rege said. "I will also need to let Ms. Rhodes know that we are passing on her opportunity." With that, he left the group to go to his office to make the necessary vid calls.   Rege leaned back in his chair, his feet up on the desk. He rubbed a hand over his chin as he considered the vid call to Alexander Novak. The man seemed like a straight shooter, which was a rarity in the sector. Novak’s offer was risky, but it was also potentially very lucrative.   The vid call blinked on, and Novak’s face appeared on the screen. “Captain Robail,” Novak greeted him with a nod.   “Mr. Novak,” Rege replied. “I’ve had a chance to discuss your offer with my crew and we’ve come to a decision.”   “And?” Novak asked, a hint of tension in his voice.   Rege took a deep breath. “We’re in.”   A smile broke out on Novak’s face. “Excellent. I knew I could count on you. The Orion Group is pleased to have you on board.”   “We’re looking forward to it,” Rege said. “When do we start?”   “I’ll send over all the details,” Novak replied. “And, Captain Robail, let me just say that the Orion Group knows how to take care of their own. You won’t regret this decision.”   Rege grinned. He had a feeling that this was going to be one wild ride.   Rege stared at the blinking cursor on his vid screen for a moment. He knew he had to make this next call, but he didn't want to burn the crew's bridges with Ms. Rhodes. He took a deep breath and pressed the call button.   The screen lit up and Ms. Rhodes' face appeared, a smile spreading across her features. "Captain Robail! I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon," she said cheerily.   "I wish I was calling under better circumstances, Ms. Rhodes," Rege began, "But I wanted to let you know that my crew and I have decided to pass on your job offer."   The smile faded from her face. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said, her voice losing some of its warmth. "I had hoped that we could work together."   Rege rubbed the back of his neck, feeling guilty. "I understand, and I'm sorry. But we just felt that it wasn't the right fit for us right now."   "Well, if anything changes, I'd love to hear from you," she said, her smile returning. "I know you and your crew are highly skilled, and I'd hate to miss out on the opportunity to work with you."   "Of course, Ms. Rhodes," Rege said, relieved that the conversation was going better than he had feared. "We'll definitely keep you in mind for future opportunities."   "I appreciate that, Captain," Ms. Rhodes said, her smile widening. "Take care, and good luck with your future endeavors."   Rege breathed a sigh of relief as the call ended. He leaned back in his chair, thinking about the decision he had just made. While the offer from Ms. Rhodes had been tempting, he knew in his gut that it wasn't the right move for him and his crew.   With that done, Rege rejoined his crew. "Alright then, let's get ready for the job," Rege said. "We've got work to do."   Despite Hivoo's absence, the crew was determined to complete the mission and earn a significant payout from the corporation. The success of the mission would depend on their strategy and cooperation in the face of danger.   As they prepared for the mission, the crew assigned their weapons. Rege, Brister, and Masu were assigned auto rifles while Bricken and Esan were given marksman's rifles.  

The Opposition

  The Tech Gangers are a notorious group of criminals operating on the planet of Mariakorg. They specialize in the theft and sale of advanced technology, and are known for their cunning and brutal tactics. The Tech Gangers are led by a lieutenant, who is a seasoned veteran of the criminal underworld. He is a skilled tactician and fiercely loyal to his gang. The lieutenant is accompanied by a specialist, who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the group's weapons and equipment. The rest of the Tech Gangers are made up of 5 regular members. The group will be armed with a combination of blast rifles and plasma rifles. They are highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and are known for their lack of mercy when it comes to protecting their territory. The crew of the "Hard Bargain" will have their hands full when they face off against these tech-savvy criminals in the shanty town of Calaveras Field.  


  Round 1 The mission against the Tech Gangers begins in the gloomy shanty town. The crew held fast during the Quick Phase, waiting for the enemy to make their first move. As the Enemy Phase began, the Tech Gangers started moving forward, staying under cover and still out of sight. Meanwhile, the crew sprang into action.   As the Slow Phase began, the crew began to advance, keeping a close eye out for the Tech Gangers, waiting for their next move. Brister darted towards the main structure, headed to retrieve the crucial data card. Rege dashed towards the enemy side, seeking cover behind a fence. Masu, always on the lookout for something shiny, ran towards a glittering object, also seeking cover. Bricken and Esan remained perched in their sniper’s nests, watching and waiting for their moment to strike.   The gangers remained hidden, still out of sight, but their presence was palpable, and the crew knew they had to be careful. The first round of the mission was tense and quiet, but the crew was ready for anything the Tech Gangers had in store for them.
  Round 2 As the battle between the crew and the Tech Gangers began to unfold, Brister took advantage of the Quick Phase to make his move. He quickly dashed towards the main structure, determined to reach the second level where the data card was located. The Enemy Phase started with one group of gangers holding fast while the remainder of the gang moved forward, staying under cover and out of sight.   Rege, always ready for action, advanced towards the enemy side, taking cover behind a nearby fence. Masu, meanwhile, continued to dash towards a shiny object, still staying out of sight. Bricken and Esan remained in their sniper’s nests, watching the battlefield intently, ready to take action at a moment’s notice.   As the Slow Phase came to an end, the darkness started to lift, and the visibility increased by one inch. This change in the environment would make it easier for the crew to see their targets, but it also made them more vulnerable to attack.
  Round 3 As the battle raged on, the crew quickly realized that the Tech Gangers were not to be underestimated. The Enemy Phase saw one of their specialists stunning Brister as he was entering the main structure. Emboldened, one group of gangers advanced under cover and the lieutenant group remained in place.   In the slow phase, Masu advanced towards the fence, trying to gain a better position for attack. Brister, undeterred by his stun, made his way to the second floor, continuing his mission to retrieve the data card. Meanwhile, Rege held his ground, waiting for the right moment to strike. Bricken, who was perched in his sniper's nest, held fast, waiting for the perfect shot.   Esan, determined to protect her team, took aim at the specialist who had stunned Brister. Unfortunately, her shot missed, leaving the specialist unscathed. The crew was facing a formidable opponent, and they knew that they had to be on their guard if they were to succeed in their mission.
  Round 4 The mission objective was finally achieved as Brister successfully retrieved the data card from the roof of the main structure. Brister knew that his job was only half done. Now he had to make it off the battlefield unscathed despite the enemy's best efforts to stop him.   The enemy was relentless in their pursuit, with one group holding fast and another advancing to the fence line. The specialist, who had stunned Brister earlier, now focused on Masu, taking him out of play. Esan, assuming the worst outcome for Masu, was quick to take the specialist down with a well-placed shot.   The enemy's Lieutenant group was also advancing, making their way to the roof of an outbuilding. However, their plans were disrupted as a sudden environmental hazard caused the outbuilding to shift and injured the gang leader, removing him from the battle.   As the battle raged on, Rege moved toward the battle edge and Bricken, who had held fast in his sniper nest, left the battle. Despite the setback of losing Masu, the crew knew that they could still finish their mission. The outcome of the battle was yet to be determined, but one thing was certain - the team's objective to retrieve the data card had been a success. Now all they had to do was get everyone off the battlefield.
  Round 5 In the Quick Phase, Brister made a quick move down to the second floor of the structure, heading towards the exit. The goal was to get out of the area as quickly as possible, before the enemy could surround them. Meanwhile, Esan remained on overwatch, keeping a keen eye out for any incoming threats.   During the Enemy Phase, one of the tech gangers made a move to try to pick off Esan. However, Esan was quick to react, returning fire and stunning the ganger with a well-placed shot. The remaining gangers at the fence line moved to flank, trying to surround the crew and cut off their escape route.   In the Slow Phase, Rege continued to head towards the edge of the battle, hoping to get out of the area unscathed. Esan moved off her sniper post, heading towards the exit. The goal was to get to safety as quickly as possible, before the enemy could launch a counterattack.   With the quick reflexes of Esan and the strategic planning of Rege, the crew was able to keep one step ahead of the enemy. The mission objective was complete and now it was time to make a hasty retreat. The crew retreated from the structure, heading towards the safety of their spaceship.
  Round 6 As the battle continues, the tension grows. In the Quick Phase, Esan decides it's time to leave. She carefully moves away from her sniper post and heads for the exit. Meanwhile, the enemy gangers are on the move. They come out from their corner, scanning the battlefield for any target. In the Slow Phase, Rege also decides to make his exit. He carefully moves towards the edge of the battlefield, keeping low and out of sight. Meanwhile, Brister is getting closer to the stairs. He moves down to the first floor, carefully making his way towards the exit. The gangers are still trying to find any target, but it seems like they are having trouble locating the remaining crew members. Rege leaves the battlefield, leaving Brister to make his exit solo. The remaining gangers are left behind, still searching for any sign of their quarry.   Round 7 The tech gangers continued to search for targets, but their shots missed their mark as Brister made his way closer to the exit.   As Brister approached the exit, data card securely in hand, he could feel the tension lifting. He was almost there. The gangers continued to fire wildly, but they were no match for Brister's agility. He quickly made his way off of the battlefield.   With all the crew members accounted for and the mission accomplished, Captain Rege Robail called out to his crew, "We did it! Pack up, we need to check in with Novak and collect our reward!" The crew cheered in excitement, ready to embark on their next adventure..
  Post Battle After the intense battle on Mariakorg, Captain Rege Robail and his crew were able to accomplish their mission and retrieve the data card. They were immediately contacted by Alexander Novak, who became an active Patron for the crew. The crew was rewarded with 9 credits for their efforts, but the instability of Mariakorg increased by 1, bringing the score to 2. The crew would have to stay alert in case the planet’s stability gets out of control. Novak also passed on a new rumor that might lead to the crew’s next quest adventure. He had heard rumblings about possible lower level work available for the crew if they decided to stay on Mariakorg.   During the battle the crew had picked up some loot. They had found a damaged needle rifle and a damaged colony rifle. They would need to be repaired before they could be used in any future battles.   Masu seemed to be leading a charmed existence. He gained 1 luck point and was able to avoid any serious injuries from the battle. Hivoo was regaining some strength but would need two more turns in the med bay to fully recover.   Each crew member gained experience points for their efforts in the battle. Masu gained 2 experience points, Esan gained 4, Bricken gained 3, Rege gained 3, and Brister gained 3.   With their newfound relationship with the Orion Group, the crew was able to renegotiate their ship's debt, reducing it by 6 credits.   The crew was looking forward to their next mission, hoping to continue their success and improve their skills.

Character(s) interacted with

Alexander Novak Clarice Rhodes
Report Date
06 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Midjourney


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