Brister Wardsand Character in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Brister Wardsand

"Order before glory, every time."
Brister Wardsand was born on a mining colony deep in space. His parents were both miners, and he grew up working alongside them, learning the trade from a young age. The colony was harsh, with long hours and dangerous working conditions. But Brister took to it well, and quickly became one of the most skilled miners on the colony. As he grew older, Brister became restless. He yearned for something more than the monotonous life of mining. He wanted adventure, excitement and above all, glory. He began to read stories of great explorers and warriors, and dreamed of one day leaving the colony and making a name for himself in the galaxy.   Finally, when he was 25, Brister made the decision to leave the colony and strike out on his own. He sold everything he owned and saved up as much money as he could. He left the mining colony and set out on his journey, but he didn't own a ship.   At first, Brister had a hard time finding work, but he quickly realized that his skills as a miner could be valuable to other colonies. He began to work as a hired hand on various ships, traveling from one colony to the next, using his skills to extract precious resources. He gained a reputation as a reliable and hardworking miner, but still yearned for something more.   It was during a job on a distant planet that Brister found his chance for glory. The planet was home to a dangerous creature, known for attacking and destroying ships that landed on its surface. Brister saw this as his chance to make a name for himself, and he volunteered to take on the creature. He tracked it down and killed it, single-handedly saving the ship and all the crew on it.   From that day on, Brister was known as the "Dragon Slayer" and his reputation as a skilled and brave warrior spread throughout the galaxy. He continues to travel the galaxy, taking on dangerous jobs and seeking out new adventures and chances for glory, but he still doesn't own a ship. Instead, he rents one whenever he needs it or joins a crew as a hired hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From Glory to Order

Brister had always been a thrill-seeker. He lived for the excitement and the rush that came with risky missions. The taste of victory, the applause from his peers, and the tales of his bravery were all he cared about. For him, life was meant to be lived on the edge, and nothing else mattered. But his priorities changed when he was forced to confront the reality of the chaos that he had helped unleash. He saw firsthand the devastating impact that the instability on Mariakorg was having on the population, and how the pursuit of glory was leading to even more suffering. It wasn't until he looked into the eyes of a mother and her child, scared and alone, that he realized the gravity of his actions.   After facing the Red Sun Corporate security team at Calaveras Field's Communication Center, Brister knew he couldn't continue living like this. He knew that he had to make a change, to find a new way of life that was guided by order and discipline. He wanted to make a difference in the world, to help others, and to leave a lasting legacy that was more meaningful than just stories of his exploits. So he began to read, to study the intricacies of the universe and the complexities of human behavior. He learned the importance of planning, preparation, and strategy, and how these elements could be used to create a better world.   He started to embrace the idea of working for a higher purpose, of putting the needs of others before his own desire for glory. He sought to become a role model, to inspire others to follow in his footsteps and to make a difference in the world. It wasn't easy, and there were times when he was tempted to give up and return to his old ways. But he persisted, drawing strength from his newfound purpose, and slowly but surely, he began to see the world in a different light.   For Brister, the journey from glory to order was a long and difficult one. But in the end, he emerged a better man, one who was capable of making a real difference in the world. He was no longer the reckless thrill-seeker that he had once been, but a wise and compassionate leader, guided by the principles of order and discipline, and driven by a deep sense of purpose.
by Midjourney
Brister had always been known for his daring feats and fearless attitude. But when he lost his sense of glory-seeking and instead prioritized order, the crew couldn't help but notice. They respected his new approach, and Brister felt it.   As they made their way back to their ship after completing their latest mission, Brister's new catchphrase was on everyone's mind. "Precision over passion" had become his mantra, and it was reflected in everything he did.

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by David Okum


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