Hivoo Duga Character in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Hivoo Duga

"Revenge is mine. I won't rest until justice is served."
Hivoo Duga is a member of a Feral species, hailing from a primitive world that is known for its harsh living conditions and fierce inhabitants. Growing up, Hivoo learned to fight and survive in the unforgiving wilderness. He quickly became one of the strongest and most skilled members of his tribe. However, when Hivoo was still a young adult, his tribe was attacked and enslaved by a group of ruthless alien traders. Hivoo and his family were forced to work in the mines, extracting valuable resources for the traders. It was a harsh and brutal existence, but Hivoo never gave up hope.   For years, Hivoo worked tirelessly, always looking for an opportunity to escape and seek revenge on the traders who had enslaved his people. Finally, that opportunity came, and Hivoo was able to escape the mines with a small group of fellow tribespeople.   With his newfound freedom, Hivoo set out to track down and take revenge on the traders who had enslaved his people. He quickly became a skilled petty criminal, using his strength and fighting skills to steal from and sabotage the traders and their operations.   Despite the danger and challenges, Hivoo continues to seek out and take revenge on those who wronged him and his tribe. He will stop at nothing until he feels he has avenged his people and is free from the burden of their enslavement.
by Midjourney
Hivoo Duga's catchphrase is "Revenge is mine" as he is a Feral from a primitive world, who is motivated by revenge. He is a Petty Criminal, who is known for his quick reflexes and rough fighting style. His catchphrase reflects his fierce and determined nature, and it's something that he says to remind himself and others of his personal mission and to show his determination to accomplish it. He is known to repeat it often, to remind himself and his crewmates of his motivation, and to remind them that he's not someone to be underestimated.

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by David Okum


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