The Badlands Geographic Location in Teutspedia | World Anvil

The Badlands

The Badlands is a name given to a large, unlawful, area found in the east, slap bang in the middle of the continent. The Badlands get thier name for the most part because of its unruly nature. These lands are dangerous, home to savage Orc warband's and territorial human tribes in constant warfare with one another. Here in the badlands strength is everything. 


It's exact boarders are constantly changing as Teutonia and other powers try and passive the region. Generally its eastern most boarders line up Bashkir Mountains. This part of the badlands is often very dry due to being so far inland. In times past Teutonia had control of this region in the form of the cities of Holbourne Head and Marsovia, now known as Bashkir. These cities and thier connecting roads were very important in controlling trade that traveled through the Songara pass in the Bashkir Mountains from Syberia. However Teutonia lost these cities 20 years ago to the Imperial Invasion who in turn lost them years later, leaving the area in a state of warlordism. 

The Badlands usually contain the Swamplands of the south, just north of Vilnus. These Swamplands are a large series of still waterways that are a maze to outsiders, filled with disease and predators.  The City of Prague is found within the centre of these swamps overseeing these waterways in some form of fashion. 

The Badlands extend all the way west to the edge of the black Forest, though the city of Orel acts as a boarder in the south west and Bad Tolz had been able to exert control over the western part of the region for some years now, slowly pushing this western boarder east with the help of Orel and Vienna. This area of the 'badlands' is far more fertile then the east and is more akin to a rolling grasslands in the north west and rolling hills in the south west that link the Shetian Alps to the Urel Mountains. Running alongside the Urel Mountains north of Vienna is the Prohogue, also known as the Troll Forest, home to some of the most cannibalistic and hostile Trolls in Teutonia.
In the north the badlands extend over the Urel Mountains, contain the great vale and often reach the city of Archangel, though this region does not include the cities of Murmansk and Riga along with their respected territories.

The City of Vienna often stands as the furthest bastion of civilisation with the badlands for Teutonia and at current is the furthest mark for law and order held by the Iron Will of its ruler.
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