Orel Settlement in Teutspedia | World Anvil


Before the founding of Bad Tolz and Veinna at the turn of the century, Orel had long stood at the forward most city in Teutonia's southern interior. Sitting on the edge of the Badlands, Orel has seen its far share of raids and sieges throughout its long history, but its strong walls and headstrong knights have kept the city well defended. Even the organised armies of the Imperials failed to take this city, which held out for 6 months before the siege was broken. According to the Knights of Orel, the city had enough grain supplies to last another year.

Despite its formidable defences that had held off enemy after enemy, Orel would fall to the armies of King Sable. Sable's followers, that worship him as if he is a god, managed to infiltrate the city amongst the refugees coming from the south. Once inside they managed to weaken the cities defences and gave King Sable's army an opening into the city. The city fell on 22nd August 1118.

22nd August 1118

14,000 (Before Sable)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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