Rhineland Geographic Location in Teutspedia | World Anvil


The River Rhine runs through this region acting as a central highway uniting the various city-states together. It hasn’t always been a peaceful co-existence, the complex web of marriages between noble families have sometimes caused trouble between the states, baronies, counties and Duchies, but the Rhinelands is united by a strong sense of trade, shared culture and pride.

Protected by The Black Forest and the Saxon Mountains in the east, and the Elbe Ravine to the south, the Rhineland is extremely difficult to invade. Wolfsburg guards the pass to the north as does Ravenburg in the south, and Hannover guards the mouth of the Rhine.


Like the rest of the northern coast the North West can be described as having warm to mild wet summers, and cool – to cold wet winters.
It often rains in the North west with most days having an overcast sky. Unlike the rest of the north, this region is known for its dense forests, heavy moss and fern ground cover, and the hostile wetlands of the Black Marsh.

The Saxon mountains act as a boarder between the Rhineland and the Northern Coast regions. The City of Wolfsburg controls the major pass through these mountains as well as being the main force responsible for mining it of its resources. It is within these mountains that the ancient legendary Temple of Mortis can be found.
Alternative Name(s)
The North West, The Heartlands


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