Wolfsburg Settlement in Teutspedia | World Anvil


While it may have fallen on hard times during the recent snake war and Python occupation, Wolfsburg is still a wealthy city and once had the highest standards of living in Teutonia. It has a thriving economy, sturdy city defence, highly trained militia and a vibrant centre of education and research. Wolfsburg is a city not only of opportunity but of power and control, and only time will tell if the rampant in-fighting among its Great Houses will stifle the economy and hurt the people.


High Court, Low Court and Crime
The High Court and the Low Court are located in the Hochplatz. Civil unrest is not tolerated within Wolfsburg, and the duelling grounds outside the city sort out most minor disagreements. This has not stopped the games that the noble houses play for control of the city from occasionally spilling out onto the streets, but even in their quest for power the nobles try to avoid open unpleasantness.

The Low Court is operated by learned men and women educated in law and moral philosophy at the University of Wolfsburg, and deals with regular criminals, such as pickpockets and the like. Appointments to the Low Court can be made by the chancellor of the university and the Dean of the Law’s department on completion of the necessary study.

The High Court is operated by thirteen learned men and women who have first sat in the Low Court for a period of not less than ten years. In order not to show nepotism, there is a series of complex rules that dictate the court’s role and who is appointed to a position on the bench of the High Court. However, in reality, the members of the Noble Court often vet or veto potential candidates to ensure that they retain influence over its decisions. The High Court deals with the more serious crimes, such as murder and treason.

Above the High Court sits the Noble Court, on which the heads of the Greater Houses sit. This is where the appeals from either of the courts come, and it can overturn any of the other court’s decisions. Although trials that are referred to the Noble Court are usually given a fair and equitable hearing, it is not unknown for members of the Great Families to use the appeals process to garner influence and favour from the other families when they would otherwise lose face.

Punishment for crime operates on a basis of penal servitude. Punishment is just that – punishment – and those being punished will be put to use for the city. Typical punishment includes working in the mines digging ore or working the fields; however, offenders are given the opportunity to learn skills that can be used once the punishment is completed. For those who refuse to work during their punishment, the solution is quite simple: no food is given, or the term is increased. For those crimes that are serious, such as high and low treason, murder, and rape, the death penalty and asset seizure are invoked.


The city of Wolfsburg is situated just North of the main trade route running along the Rhine, from Hannover to the North West to Marienburg to the South East. Berlyn and the Black Forest lie due East, and it has access via river to the Rhine and, by extension, the sea. As well as providing protection, the mountain provides a great source of sustainable materials. Its quarries provide stone; the farmland that surrounds it provides grain and meat, along with a whole host of other ingredients. The nearby river provides fresh water and fish to the city and allows passage via river barges from the Rhine to the transport dock. This allows trade, such as lumber from Marienburg and goods to Hanover and beyond, to move freely. Given the natural resources situated nearby, it is no wonder that Wolfsburg is the trading city that it is. 

The first thing a traveller will encounter as they approach the city by land is the vast outer defences; these are comprised of a ring of raised platforms of wood and stone that sit strategically on the foothills that dominate the approaches to the city. These structures grant unparalleled fields of vision to provide early warning of the advance of potentially hostile armies. The largest of these incorporates trebuchets and other siege engines that are intended to slow an advancing army and give the city time to prepare for an attack. The outer defences were designed by the Python forces that occupied the city during the last snake war, who began the construction; however, many of the towers are yet to be completed, as the desire and need for them ended with the war.

Wolfsburg itself is nestled on leeward side of a mighty, jutting mountain, the sheer cliffs providing shelter from the worst of the weather as well as forming an impressive natural barrier against invasion. The city seems to ambush the unwary traveller, coming into view suddenly as they round the curtain wall of the mountain’s lower reaches. The mountain has a second function in the defence the city: the ruler’s residence is carved deep into it, providing a point of retreat should the city be attacked. While the mountains are almost impassable, they are constantly patrolled by specialist rangers and scouts, who ensure that no-one attempts to gain access to the few treacherous passes that do exist through the spine of the mountain.

Outside the City Walls
Upon entering the city of Wolfsburg, you are greeted by the near-permanent melange of brightly coloured merchant caravans and the hubbub of travellers and traders that do business in the open grounds outside the city walls. The fields outside the main gate are filled with temporary warehouses, livestock pens and auction podiums, where cut-throat battles for resources and raw goods are fought daily. The people of Wolfsburg are adept at bargaining and are shrewd negotiators – many an incautious trader that thought to turn a quick profit has left the walls of Wolfsburg bewildered and with a lighter purse that expected. These wooden structures are built to be easily dismantled or destroyed to prevent any sieging forces gaining the advantage cover as they approach the outer walls.

Among this constant movement of goods and people stands the Tourney Ground, this is where fetes and carnivals are held, along with the tournaments for which it is named. A duelling ring  is also located here, where the young men and women of Wolfsburg can learn martial skills and where all may settle their differences, these duels have strictly observed rules to prevent overzealous participants from causing permanent injury or death and are often overseen by experienced judicial champions. The tourney ground also serves the Wolfsburg militia for training purposes and the occasional parade when circumstance dictates.

The River Gate and the Traders Gate
  The city itself is surrounded by a heavy crenelated defensive wall which is interspersed with fortified towers. The course of the wall is broken only where it cuts directly into the mountain itself. It houses two great gates into the city: the Traders Gate and the River Gate.

The River Gate is located where the river cuts close to the city’s walls, forming a fortified arch between two great towers that houses a heavy portcullis and gate. This gate separates the Harbour District inside the city from the docks outside of it. The river front is made up of excavated canals and wooden jetties, which are lined with warehouses and cheap taverns filled with the sounds of drunken shanties as the crews of the river boats take brief respite before taking their vessels out on the near ceaseless requirement to transport goods. Once, the docks were the lifeline of the city, but when the Pythons occupied the city during the last snake war they drove large, pointed wooden stakes along the length of the river bed to hole the hulls of any large troop-carrying vessels that might attempt to traverse the river. While work continues to remove these, specially trained pilots guide boats around these hazards to keep the goods flowing along the river, all be it at a reduced rate. As a result, this area of Wolfsburg has seen better days and the stevedores that unload the cargo boats are all too often involved in drunken brawling as they await the next vessel to arrive burdened with goods.

The Trader’s Gate is a towering gatehouse incorporating a portcullis, a myriad of intimidating defensive features – such as murder holes and arrow slits – and two massive, heavy-studded wooden gates. This is the main entrance into the city, and the militia maintain a constant presence here to guard access and control traffic into the city.

A City Hiding its Scars
Looking a little deeper and peering past the façade, you begin to see the cracks in Wolfsburg. The city has been hit hard by its recent past; while the surrender of the city during the Python civil war was, for the most part, peaceful, any resistance was mercilessly crushed and even the murmur of opposition to the occupation was severely punished. Later, when the city revolted against its captors and overthrew the Python forces, there were losses on both sides; during the short and bloody uprising, some residents used the chaos to settle old scores or take revenge on those who were deemed as having collaborated with the occupation. Still more fled the city during the occupation, either in fear or out of a desire to protect their loved ones.

Beyond the Plätze and thoroughfares, you can still see the scars of that night of violent revelry. Buildings, that to this day lie unused, still bear the damage caused when people were dragged from their homes and beaten to death on the streets, and many more show signs of dilapidation and decay. A word of warning to any that stray too far from the main avenues and boulevards: the underworld of Wolfsburg is dangerous, and it is easy to be suckered in. It is never wise to advertise your wealth, lest it draw unwanted attention and suggest an invitation to redistribute that wealth at the point of a dagger.

The Market District and Artisan District
Upon passing through the Trader’s Gate you are immediately struck by the Market District – a veritable assault on the senses, bright colours designed to catch the eye, the cacophony of sound as merchants battle for the best deals and the aromas of the city, both pleasant and unpleasant. This is where Wolfsburg truly goes to war. Competition and trading rivalry is at its best here and invites you to join its irresistible dance, and it is here that it is at its liveliest, bewildering the unwary or unprepared with vibrancy and energy.

The Market has always taken centre stage in Wolfsburg, with small shops and boutiques surrounding the back edge of the Market moving up the foot of the mountain into the Artisan district. This area is unconventional in appearance, with little conformity to the building structure or colour. Paths twist and turn here, sometimes leading you to little shops where you are invited to sit and drink fresh coffee and have your fortune read, others leading nowhere.

Wolfsburg is famed for the high-quality craftsmanship of the goods it produces, and the artisans of the city are a valued commodity, their skilled workmanship and inimitability cherished. This is the place to look if you are after something a little different. The Artisans District is also home to the theatre, open to all, not just nobility, costing from as little as a couple of copper for standing room in the stalls to a couple of gold for a seat. It is nearly always packed to the rafters as people seek distraction from the realities of city life, and many plays are performed, from traditional to experimental.

The city is also home to a Merchant Council, which ensures that trade flows and that all complaints of unfair trading practices are given a fair hearing. Trade partnerships among the members of the Merchant Council are inevitable and the abuse of such alliances to increase one’s own profits are frowned upon; however, it is only in the cases of most flagrant of infringements that council members can be expected to face censure.

The Narrows
On either side of the Marketplace is the Narrows, forming a semi-circular ring and merging and trickling into other districts. So-named due to its small back-to-back houses and narrow, cobblestoned streets, the Narrows is where the living quarters of the lesser traders and the working people are situated. Due to events during the Python occupation, these areas have largely been abandoned and many of its buildings have become derelict and ramshackle, as those that survived chose to move into newly vacant and more prestigious properties in the Market or Artisan districts. Those that remain in the Narrows are the poorest and most vulnerable in Wolfsburg. As such, the area breeds petty criminals and is a proving ground for the many gangs that inhabit much of the city.

The Harbour District
Off to the east of the Market District is the Harbour Quarter, though the Narrows has creeped into it and blurred the distinction between the areas, amalgamating the city where once the divisions were clear. The houses curve outwards towards the River Gate, the harbour home to many taverns and the odd brothel. The harbour is often the best place to hear a tale or two. It also homes the Garrison, which helps keep trouble at bay. It reassures the people who live within the nearby districts, who feel a little more protected from the raucous behaviour of the Harbour District dwellers.

The Scholars District
On the western side of the Marketplace, beyond the Narrows, there stands a man-made escarpment accessible by several stairs and wide, sloping avenues leading up to a plateau. Sitting on this elevated plain is the Scholars District, made up primarily of accommodation for the students and tutors of the University of Wolfsburg, Teaching Hospital and Alchemy College. It is home to many a young healer and alchemist, and those who spend their lives in study.

The Teaching Hospital is where students practise their learning on those who need it. The hospital is free for those who can’t afford it, but those who can are expected to pay. As a result, there are two levels of treatment: those who cannot afford to pay for treatment will be treated by trainees, under supervision of a fully qualified healer, while those who can afford to pay are treated by fully qualified healers.

The Alchemy College and University of Wolfsburg receive students who can afford the tuition fees or whom the noble houses have chosen to sponsor. Noble families often compete to show their generosity and win the favour and loyalty of those they sponsor. For those who show a special gift in one field or another, the bursars grant a few scholarships to those who are unable to find funding for their learning, usually assessed by means of a test; otherwise, they travel and find placement with one of the villages nearby and offer their services there.

Scholars in search of distinction attend the university to obtain degrees in their chosen subject. The university teaches a wide range of subjects, from natural philosophy and theology, to law and moral philosophy, alongside a general course of study in arithmetic, grammar, logic and rhetoric. The university curates a grand library with an extensive collection of books and artefacts. It is also where the vast majority of mages and shamans are given instruction.

Last, but by no means least, the War College can be found in this district. This is where the candidates that seek to earn a commission as officers in the Wolfsburg Militia are taught, once they have worked their way up, and study tactics and other things that officers are required to learn, before being tested and assigned to a unit.

The Kleinplatz and Hochplatz
As you continue along the ridge wall from the Scholars District, you find yourself looking at the homes of the Lesser Families of Wolfsburg. This part of the city is sometimes derisively called the ‘Kleinplatz’ by some members of the Greater Houses. Made up of traders who have made their fortunes, their houses, whilst not overly big or extravagant, are generally nicely decorated and furnished with a few key luxury items. These houses also have gardens, unlike the Narrows, whose streets cannot allow for such space, and like the Marketplace these spaces are filled with colours designed to catch the eye and are often more than a little eccentric in style. It is from these families that the Merchant Council is comprised.

Further up the foot of the mountain, behind the houses of the Kleinplatz, is yet another escarpment upon which is the Hochplatz, where the mansions of the Great Families are found. The residences here are palatial, their walled gardens a delight to behold. There has always been an unspoken rivalry between the Great Houses over the opulence of their gardens, with the current trend being for aromatic flowers, perfectly manicured lawns and shade-giving trees. The avenues here are broad and meticulously maintained, giving visitors to this area a feeling of being unconfined for the first time since entering the city.

One of the first acts of the Python army was to purge the nobility of the city of any overt support for the previous regime and elevate families that they considered useful in keeping the citizens of the city under control. This removed or undermined the most obvious potential resistance leaders, while at the same time buying loyalty from those that were now indebted to them for their newfound position and status. This recent history can be seen every now and then in asyet unrepaired damages to a few of these beautiful mansions – a broken section of wall here, a small patch of blackened brick there. Only those aware of what happened during the Python occupation of Wolfsburg would notice these marks for what they are, however, and they are otherwise eaten up by the cultivated beauty of the area.

Hidden beneath the veneer of civility and politeness, a shadow war rages among the powerful and influential for control the city. This conflict is never openly stated; instead, it is a war by proxy, as the great nobles use their assets and influence over the institutions of the city to vie for more power and control. This sometimes spills over into the streets, as various guilds violently clash at the behest of their unseen masters. No single House has yet been able to gather enough influence to gain the upper hand, which has led some to suggest that there is another shadowy player actively preventing any one house from achieving victory over the others, though none can provide evidence for this.

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