Weinslug Organization in Tertara | World Anvil



Open, passionate, and honest, the people of Weinslug are about as far from the stubborn, prideful sterotype of the Neunmen. They are however loud, but is the language of the heart not to shout into the heavens? The people have learned to love their neighbors (excluding Wildorf) and to provide for one another. In this the city can be seen as one of if not the most welcoming to wayfaring strangers and pilgrams, and many go there to retire to a quiet life of farming. In this, one can find many of the city folk to have quiet intresting stories to tell, and story telling has become a favorite past time of the Weislanders. They are also very open with others, if someone is annoying them they will make sure its known. If something is funny they will roar with laughter, in this way it is said that you know where you stand with a Weislander, an ironic statement given the city is literally called Wines Lie.   Aside form this, the people are also hard working, and it is said that the fields never quiet with the work of till and plow. Indeed, the entire city can be seen as one of ironic natures, for the city of quiet retirement is the hardest working. Aside from farming, the fishing buisness is also quite popular in the city, and wine and fish is seen as a well made dinner for many of the inhabitants. Halflings are also quite common in the city, leading to it having some of the best cuisine of the entire nation, something that annoys Kaiserbruck to no end. Being it is also the closest city to Vebastonne, there is also a sizeable Vestoni population in the city, and many can at least trace their herritage back to the fabled land of Vebastonne. While the city is still proudly Neunmen, you can find jousts styled after Vestoni jousting tournaments to be a fun festival celebration for the people. In fact, celebrations and festivals are so popular they seem to almost be partying more through the year than they do actually work, but somehow the work is always done in time to party, a strange riddle indeed.


For all the beauty of Neundorf, few sights can match the rolling fields of grain and grape vines used to make the most fmaous alchohol and wine in the entire nation of Neundorf, challenged only by vestoni wines. How this came to form is somethiing of a folk tale amongst the Neunmen. As the tribes settled, one tribe discovered how to make wine from a wandering wood elf with no name. To find this wine, he travveled far and wide to find the place with the most grape vines, and found it in the eastern most portion of Neundorf. As he tried to get people to come over to the land and help him harvest the grapes, he would spin a tale that the wine made from these grapes could bring about Immortality. When a fair size of tribesman arrived to hear if the rumors were true, while trying to prove his point this man, nowadays reffered to as Sigwin der Fool, was mauled and pulled apart by Nachzerer.   Though his lie was plain, the grpaes in the land were indeed some of the best, and with decent crop land, those that had already gave up much to move there stayed, making a holiday of the fool being torn apart, and naming the new land Weinslug (Wines lie). Its production of alchohol actually bought it a great amount of political support from the other cities, so much infact that Weinslug was the first city to be united under Kaiserbruck into the Neundorf empire. The wine shared by the newly made Kaiser and the ruler of Weinslug at the time was made so famous it is now the most expensive wine on the continent. However,, such goods also brings jealous rivals, and none more so then Wildorf. While they had been at war when the nation was founded, the biggest conflcit was the Wine River War, which saw Wildorf first impose tarrifs on wine coming to their city, and then detaining merchants under the guise of "national security". However this was a thinly veiled attempt at simply stealing some of the wine to sell back at marked up prices or for personal use, and so Weinslug counterted by discreetly hiring brigands to raid Wildorf trade lanes. However, a brigand was captured and made to confess by a witch hunter owing a Wildorf noble a "personal favor". Thus Wildorf moved troops to secure the land, but Weinslug did the same, and many other cities began to swear support for either side. It is said guns were being loaded and aimed when the Kaizer had to step in and settle the matter, however some stories say that there were conflicts even after the Kaiser helped settle the matter.   Ineed Weinslug is well used to fighting their Neundorf kin, for many are jealous of their resources. Aside from wine and alchohol, bread and small veins of rare minerals are said to be in the land, and so many noble families have been made rich off of cornering the market on goods and eliminating any competition that dare get close to them. However, it is also one of the more "safer" cities of the empire, though monsters still roam the land. This has led Weinslug to be seen in a romantic lense as a "quaint and queit backwater" to retire too. While it may not be quaint, it is indeed quiet, and some say it represents the peace Rodina brings perfectly to the land. However in this unsure age of doom and death, this quiet may not last forever...

Foreign Relations

"I swear if I have to go to another party in Weinslug I think my liver will give out!" - Ulwig Kranz, Kaiserbruck noble   "Let them have their day in the fields, we will outlast them" - Eldrund von Drachengig, Wilsdorf Nobleman and army Commander   "All talk and no bark, they can't shite" - Dietricus Helhart, Wieslander on Wildorf threats
Aside from Wildorf, Weinslug is seen as a place of perhaps too much partying, but at the end of the day kept in good favor. They have a good relationship with Vebastonne as well, being their closest neighbors, though there is a freidnly rivarly between the wine industries of both Neundorf and Vebastonne. Wine competitions are very common in Weinslug for this reason.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Parent Organization

Sayings of Weinslug

"A Toothless dog": Someone from Wildorf   "He's back from swording": Someone has come to Weinslug to live a quiet life