Kaiserbrück Organization in Tertara | World Anvil



The heart beats in the empire of Neundorf, and known will be quickest to remind the rest of the nation than the Kaslanders. Kaslanders may be the most cosmopolitian and diverse of the people in Neundorf. Pilgrams from all over the world come here, even more ever since the Church of the Flame had been sinking its teeth into the local faith of the land. Kaslanders are a sturdy people, and one full of philosophy, culture, and idealism, and damn good beer. Either way, the people are known for speaking their mind upon matters.   This fact can grate on others in the wrong way of course, but no more than just the standard annoyance and off handed joke. The people are also known for being some of the most survival canny people of the land, for they have to be with the land around them. Though the Tree of Ottfried is a holy site, the path can only be made so safe with monsters, beasts, undead, and other such horrors roam the land. The hills to the south are rarely better, with the amount of dead that have fertilized the land are regurarly risen up, not to mention brigands roam the land preying on passerbys and the weak, starving pilgrams walking their holy paths.   The people are also known for their passion for fashion, known for extravegant fashion since and tase in partying. The city as vast as it is, explodes with color of people seemingly across the world. However the people are proudly Neunmen, and you can see it amongst every street tile and shop sign. The people can be proud to a fault, but what people wouldny be when living under a great holy tree. In fact there is even a law that no building may be taller than the Tree of Ottfried (riots have been caused over this issue). With that said, there is some debate over the question of religon, as the Church of the Flame ever seeks to expand its influence and either simply make Rodina a member of the Light Pantheon or get rid of such old faiths alltogether. Indeed this foreign influence on the land is not unheard of but such extreme influence is indeed a stretch too much for some. This means that while they are a proud people, it can be a powder keg of political debate and schemes. Regardless, the city is perhaps the largest in the world, and it will probably be the biggest for as long as Neundorf stands.


For every city on this side of Nilush, none are as proud or vast as glorious Kaiserbrück, for it is great indeed. Truly the city itself represents the Neuian spirt and the birth of the great nation it now helps rule over. In ancient days, the neuians would come from the south, through the Thüringen Forest into what would become known as Neundorf. While the tribes would scatter to staake their claim, the tribe that would come to what would be Kaiserbrück did so to be near the massive tree, finding the sight of it soothing and calming for the tribal people. Regardless, they would quickly come under threat by strange bogs of undead and orcs, and garuuk beastfolk from the hills south of them.   However, the people of the land would find a savior not in a Neunmen, but in a strange legendary dwarf only known these days as Motsognir, King of Dwarves (it should be noted all attempts to find records of this name within the dwarves own scholalry papers don't turn up anything). Motsognir is said to have taught the brücklanders forging techniques not known to the rest of the world, and so using these they were able to secure their dominance of the local land and against the monsters. Just as soon as Motsognir showed himself, he vanished without a trace. While there was peace for a time, doom came for them as it did the rest of Neundorf. However, monsters would meet their end at the weapon of the legendary hero Ottfried, who would save the land. What's more, he would be entombed in the great tree near Kaiserbrück, and it now had a slight glow from Rodina's beautiful light.   Being the first city Ottfried had visited, it grew quickly and blindingly. Pilgrams from across the land and even from outside of Neundorf came to observe the great tree, since the only other large tree was in the Dale Woods and Neundorf was quite more "safe" than that fey enchanted hellhole. The drive to see this beautiful, lush land visted by a god and her chosen champion (some even say perhaps her own son) ment that Kaiserbrück was always going to be the centre of the Neundorf Empire, if the endorsment of a demi-god was somehow not enough. It is said that upon the great fortress of the imperial palace, the first Kaiser (Volkmar) declared: "May the forests forever bloom, and may the land never know hunger, in my beautiful home, of Neundorf."   The city has grown into perhaps one of, if not the largest city in Nilush, perhaps only rivaled by the gargantuan city states of Ardita. The city is a cacophony of shouts and laughter, of reverly and of curses. The city is said to be so large that adventuers could spend their entire lives in the city and never run out of work or quests to undertake. The caravans of trade looking to enter the city stretch for as far as the eye can see, and this makes it the very beating heart of the empire. For if it falls, all of Neundorf would soon fall after. With the great Tree of Ottfried overlooking them however, that will surely never come to pass.

Foreign Relations

"Question my judgment, what are you a Kaslander? We need to have balls not cowards! Move you wee sacks of shite!" - Lochlan MacKenzie, Highlander sellsword yelling at his troops to advance under fire   "The finest officer schools are only is Kaiserbrück, for what other city could be trusted to rouse the men of every city, every tribe, to band together than the land the glorious Ottfried chose to rule the land." - Ottilissa Gorhof, Kaslander Officer of the 27th Landskhnect brigade   "The fact Ottfried choose bloody Kaiserbrück as the place to rule from as opposed to literally anything else will never not astound me." - Luthre Voigt, Ostbach local
Kaiserbrück and people from there are known as being proud and wise, if a bit know it all like. Either way, at the end of the day Kaiserbrück stands as the beating heart of the empire of Neundorf, and it will live for a thousand more years.  So long as the walls hold and the guns never tire in the land.
Geopolitical, City-state
Brücklanders, or sometimes called Kaslanders
Parent Organization