Tsugu Settlement in Terria | World Anvil


A remote Sautahnese village located at the base of the Desu mountains, constantly living under it's shadow. Durring the day, they're a quite but friendly people, but when night falls, they alienate themselves from the Sautahnese and become ones of the Patch.


They're under the rule of the House Tamaza but most remain in isolation except for tax. The people mostly make up miners and farmers.


Their rules while present are unspoken among the populace. They have a strict religious doctrine about worship and agriculture. The are ruled mostly by Azuki Mataro, who is the religious herald of their faith.
The seed is pure in the palm, awakened by the earth, transformed by water, and gives all to us. We are but humble servents to the seed. It was what defines it, what sustains us. Praise the Great Pumpkin, the true god of all. - Azuki Matoro
It's durring the night when their faith truely shines. They bring about the Ritual of the Great Pumpkin.


The hamlet mostly protects itself due to it's rugged and elevated terrain which makes it difficult for many invaders to attack. However, it lacks any form of keep or castle and only relies on the individual citizen to protect its lands.

Industry & Trade

Their main export is silver and farmed goods. Farming makes up the majority of work in Tsugu.


They have a small silver mine that provides them with enough to trade for tools and other supplies. They're completely dependent on their food source, the primary source including pumpkin. Their is a general goods store and a blacksmith who relies on all foreign materials.
Location under
Owning Organization


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