List of monsters Species in Terrea | World Anvil
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List of monsters

Here is a list of all the monsters encountered so far, with small description of their location and features. Just to help us keep track  


Said to be the creation of an ancient prevented mage, Chimeras are a mix of different animal heads put together in one body, one of the heads being a dragon. Chimeras are very rare and usually found in one of the ancient ruins of the draconic civilizations. Most of the biological information available for scholars today about the ancient dragons come from studying the twisted and bizarre body of the chimera, although it is known they were way bigger and smarter – for the chimera have only the mind of a beast.    


From imps to pitlords, demons are undying monsters from the infernal dimension. Read here  


Ghosts cannot touch anything, unless it magickly made to do so – many times in battle they will appear as Armor with no body inside of it, floating swords, etc. They are constantly invisible and cannot choose to show themselves, but some drugs and magic can dispel this effect  


The most ancient humanoids in Gertia , Giants pretty much look like extremely enlarged Dwarves – they are vast, thick shouldered thick skulled and thick bearded. A giant size is scaled between 5 to 30 meters high – depends on their species, and so is they’re level of intelligence. Some giants have elemental power embodied in them such as fire giants, cloud giants and rock giants.   They native to Monta-ves, and until today they control many of the city states and countries in it. Legends says that once the giants realized there are precious stones and gems in the cave under the mountains of Monta-ves, they forged the cave dwarves into existence for they were too big to crawl inside the caves themselves. They control many of the surface dwarves population and are the ancestors of the Goliaths as well.  


Small scaled reptile-like humanoids, rather stupid, as big as a halfling. They are creation of the Dragons who once ruled Gertia, and now, abandoned, they live in small and boring tribes. Although they are rather stupid Kobolds speaks the complicated language Draconic . There are many Kobolds in the gray swamps.  


Known as the “menace of the sea”, the Krakens are the worst nightmare of any sailor. They’re form is gigantic squids – a young Kraken is about 30 meters long, and in adulthood it can reach 200 meters for head to tentacle and even more! Luckily they live only in a specific zone in the sea which provides the necessary means for them to procreate, called "House of the Kraken" .    


They are big, bad and mean. The green orcs are the ones who responsible for the Great war. They live in the eastern forests of Lardon and their numbers are not known. They are not stupider then your average monster, but are extremely violent and bloodthirsty. Orcs live in many, many tribes and are in constant war with each other. When this tribes unite, the world is in grave danger. They speak orcish, and are ancestors to the Half-orcs  


It is unsure if the Owl-bear is created by genetically mutating an owl with a bear, or that owls and bears were separated from the Owl-bears. Although they are feared by many, it is a misconception to thing they are monsters for they are just another animal. They live exclusively in Sherwood (a small forest near Fobelson ) and many times represent that forest symbolically, both in flags and in cultures.  

The sentients

These gigantic ancient robot-statues were built hundreds of years ago. What they really are is ghosts of old humans, who volunteered and trap themselves inside these old armours to defend Nordar against Orlando , and they have failed. After the Treasure map of Aziz, the sentients were commanded to protect the roads and forests, and they do so ever since. They vary size, weaponry and design.  


When cursed to be a werewolf, one will lose control and transform in three occasions: in fool moon, when the sun-moon is the middle of the night sky (3-4 times a year) and when getting angry. This curse is not transferred only by bite, but with sorcery as well. It is a curse created by the god Ekanos
by Ophir Sheriff
A Korobld

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