Parks and Promenades Tradition / Ritual in Terranon | World Anvil

Parks and Promenades

Parks and greenspace are considered an important design element in any large city, and taking a regular walk for exercise and fresh air is considered essential for those who do not otherwise do heavy manual labor. In the country, those who are wealthy or aristocratic do so in their own gardens and lands. However in a city, large public parks serve this purpose.   City parks usually have a pleasing mixture of green lawns, groupings of trees and decorative bushes, and flowers. Gravel paths provide places to stroll, with wider ones being used for open carriages or riding. Decorative fountains and lakes are often also present, with small rowboats available during the warmer months.   The rich and beautiful meeting each other when walking in public parks has led to the social convention of the Promenade. Essentially, this is a time of day where one can see and be seen while enjoying an outside space on a fine day. To promenade is a society activity with as many expectations as a ball. Participants will dress in finery which is specifically designed for walking or riding. Young courting couples often use a promenade to speak more privately, away from the crush of a ballroom but still well in sight of chaperones. While not generally considered the time or place to talk business, a promenade in a park is an important way to strengthen social ties in a more casual and relaxed setting.   In Novandria, it is usually expected that one will promenade during the morning, before the teatime rounds of social calls. Those who are wealthy or aristocratic, and not otherwise occupied, may do so every day during the fine months of the social season. Those who are comfortable or of modest means may only promenade occasionally, on a weekend after religious services for example.


While most of the public parks and green spaces of Novandria are maintained by the government as a public service, both The Union of Naturalist Professionals and The Society of Eisen Woodworkers take an interest. Members of the Union are quite often active in utilizing parks to experience and enjoy nature. The Society of Woodworkers maintains a contract with the government to maintain and care for the trees in these public spaces.
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