The Union of Naturalist Professionals Organization in Terranon | World Anvil

The Union of Naturalist Professionals

Botanists, entomologists, zoologists, herbalists, falconers, rangers

The Union of Naturalist Professionals deals with, as its name suggests, nature. It counts among its members botanists, entomologists, zoologists, herbalists, falconers, rangers, and those who breed, train, or work with non-food animals such as horses or dogs, or more exotic creatures.



Izabeula Kamherth, a female dragonborn, is the current Guildmaster of The Union of Naturalist Professionals. Master Kamherth is a skilled practitioner of many of the naturalists arts, but her speciality is incredibly detailed diagrams and anatomical drawings of everything from exotic animals to humble flowers.

Guild Representative

A tiefling by the name of Suhail Khalis is the guild’s representative. Suhail is a studious and serious man, who has a surprising sense of humor when you get to know him. His naturalist specialty is the breeding of rare and exotic orchids from all over the world, but it is his affaliable personality which has made him an outstanding guild representative for the Union. He has the ability to make friends while also ensuring that everyone he speaks to feels their concerns have been truly heard and understood.

Guild Administrator

Thom Whillacre, a young, studious elf whose specialty lies in the observation and cataloging of decay rates under different conditions. While this is a particularly niche area, his extensive notes, papers, and expertise on the subject propelled him to the rank of Master. Then those same meticulous skills were put to use in the administration of the Union. He is one year into his first three year term and shows a distinct knack and dedication for the administrative work, which is a bit of a relief to his fellow masters as it means his rate of publication has slowed down.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: Being a Union of such varied specialties and professions, apprentices are often paired with Masters who have some connection to their interests, but may not be an exact match. Being a more academically-oriented guild means that apprentices are taught in a combination of book- and field-work.   Journeyer: As Mastery in the Union comes with some fairly hefty expectations of research and publication, many journeyers in less academic fields such as breeding or falconry choose to remain as adept journeyers, working under a Master who supports their more field-focused efforts.   Master: Master in the Union carries the weight of not only practical application of work, but talent in the skill of research, writing, and presentation. Mastery is strictly controlled, and it is far easier for someone to achieve this rank if their area of specialization is a more scholarly one. Masters are therefore skilled at nurturing the particular talents and interests of their subordinates, even if their areas are not their Master’s specific expertise.   Mastery Exam: To become a Master of the Union, it is expected that a member has contributed significantly to the scholarship of their chosen specialty. This is demonstrated through either a history of publication, or a critical discovery which advances the world’s knowledge in a particular area. Once yearly, the existing Masters meet to discuss potential candidates for the rank, with Masters who have journeyers they feel are ready bringing them up for consideration. If a majority of those in attendance vote in favor, the candidate is offered the opportunity to buy up to the rank of Master. This is a bit different from other guilds where anyone can take a Master’s exam at any time, with the reasoning that the knowledge of the Union is not something easily contained in a singular test or demonstration, but rather the culmination of a life's work.


The Union is, in short, a collection of nerds and enthusiasts who may or may not share each other’s specific interests. As such, the guild has a distinct tolerance for differing viewpoints. A skilled breeder of horses and a breeder of new flower varieties may not be able to ‘talk shop’ per se, but they can find connection regarding the selection of traits and breeding for particular qualities. A botanist and an entomologist can collaborate on a paper regarding how the behavior of insects pollinates particular plants. A paleontologist and an herbalist may have absolutely nothing else in common but can respect their colleague’s scholarship and read each other’s papers.   There may seem to be a disconnect between the Guild’s culture of intellectual discovery and scholarship, and their wild and unrestrained patron. However, members of the guild see it as their role to interpret the wild, untamed chaos of nature for the rest of the world. It is a duality which is at the core of every discovery, and members of the Union see their role as a necessary one to ensure that Rhodena’s creation is properly appreciated.   Patron God: Rhodena  

Guild Symbols

Each member of the Union wears an enameled brooch or pin in the shape of a small bouquet. The stems and leaves are left plain metal -- copper for apprentices, silver for journeyers, and gold for Masters. The flowers themselves are enameled, one in red, one in blue, one in white, and one sprig of greenery. An astute observer will note that these colors correspond to the quarters of Rhodena.  

Guild House

The primary guild house of the Union in Novandria is located near the universities and there is a brisk interchange of books and ideas between the two. The crown jewel of the guild house is an extensive library which not only includes specialized knowledge on many of the naturalists arts, but also a copy of every paper published by one of its members. Adjacent to the library is a large and comfortable lounge which is full of plants and greenery as well as a rotating display of interesting shells, skeletons, sketches, and taxidermy. Once a month, the guild hosts a salon where like-minded individuals can come to view new specimens and discuss new research.

Public Agenda

The Union’s primary goals are scholarship and discovery, not commerce. While being a naturalist can be a very lucrative profession, especially if one is a skilled breeder or has made astounding discoveries, the acquisition of wealth is seen as a by-product of various members and not the goal. In addition to guild fees, the Union also accepts patronage from various wealthy hobbyists who fund expeditions so that their names may be associated with the latest and greatest discoveries. The connection the Union provides between these patrons and those looking for funding is one of the greatest perks of guild membership.


There can be some overlap between the Union and a few of the other guilds, particularly between the herbalists of the guild and the Healers Guild, and between various animal and crop specialists and the Food and Drink Provisioners. As a general rule, it is the focus of these individuals that determine guild membership. If a breeder of cattle is focused on the scholarship and maintenance of various genetic lines, then they would fall into the Union. An herbalist who is mainly focused on using said herbs to heal would likely be in the Healer’s Guild, though they may collaborate with the Union.
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Naturalist's Guild
Patron God
Rhodena   Guild Symbols
Small bouquet