Lothlonde Settlement in Terram | World Anvil
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Lothlonde is the name of the unified country of North Hasdall, and was named as such shortly after the coronation of Donorik Marten I . It is comprised of the duchy's of Wrothmir, Eifrandel, Baystead, Edinbury, Dawgforth, and Rowanshyre. Lothlonde loosely translates from the ancient human word meaning longevity, or prosperity.


The country of Lothlonde is a virtual melting pot, comprised of generations of ancestral settlers from a host of various races. The primary distribution is overwhelmingly human, with large numbers of dwarves and elves making up a majority of the balance. Halflings have historically resided in the foothills of the eastern lands of The Carigon Mountains, but do have a small, semi-sprawling settlement in western Lothlonde.

Primary Demographics by Dukedom

Rowanshyre: humans, elves, dwarves
Wrothmir: humans
Eifrandel: elves
Dawgforth: humans
Baystead: humans, elves
Edinbury: humans, dwarves


Lothlonde is a monarchy, currently under the rule of King Donorik Marten I .


Spanning almost 2,500 miles from east to west at it's widest point, and close to a thousand miles north to south, travel across the country has the potential to be quiet time consuming. Major travel roads have been erected between the 6 dukedoms, dubbed "The King's Road", and allow for greater ease of travel around the country. Beyond the King's Road, however, travel to the further reaches of the lands is limited to local roads and trade paths, many of which are in sub standard condition.


Prior to The Void War , the north was divided in to three kingdoms; the northerners in Wrothmir, the elves in The Jade Forest, and the coastal men of the south in Dawgforth, Edinbury and Baystead. The elves had occupied their lands for thousands of years before the unification of the north, while the first nomadic humans began appearing in larger number throughout the first age. There was large migratory movement away from the harsher locales of Terram and in to the temperate lands of northern Hasdall. The first recorded settlement outside of the Jade Forest was in Wrothmir, where men had migrated south, away from the frozen expanses of the far north. Men from the blistering heat of Omren also migrated in to the north, many setting up settlements around The Carigon Mountains, and some continuing even further north, staking claim to the coastal region of the north that is now inhabited by Baystead, Edinbury and Dawgforth. These settlements coexisted peacefully for many years, until the conquest to build their kingdoms sent the settlers crashing in to the lands of their neighbors. Territorial battles occurred for a thousand years across the north, each kingdom attempting to further their interests and wealth. It wasn't until the end of the third age almost two thousand years after the fall of the dwarves, that the north would come together for the first time. The threat of Sariel's army invading the north forced the northern territories in to a temporary wartime armistice, one which would eventually (and at times uncertainly), result in the formal creation of a unified north.


Lothlonde is highlighted by temperate forests across much of the region. The Càlenal Grove and the Moonwood Vale encompass portions of central and southeastern Lothlonde, while The Jade Forest covers the semi-mountainous lands of the elves. Northern Lothlonde is largely snow covered, while the southern expanses of the kingdom occur in more tropical wetland environments.
Alternative Name(s)
The Kingdom of the New North
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym

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Cover image: by Phil Hackenberg


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