Terralba Second Age of Man Timeline
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Second Age of Man

  • 1000 EM

    The Twilight Cataclysm

    1,000 years after the Gods lost control over Terralba, a faction war breaks out between the Hall of Worlds and the Dark Court. This conflict would be the end of the Gods' existence in the material plane where they were either killed in the fighting or trapped in the Void in the Cataclysm's aftermath.

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  • 1539 EM

    Golden King Crowned
    Political event

    Vortigern Sadaprax crowns himself as the Golden King of High Emlyn.

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  • 1650 EM

    Formation of the Great Western Empire

    The now independent kingdoms of the Elgerlor region sign identical treaties, allowing for a united Empire to form on the continent.

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