Atlantis Origins Myth in Terraia | World Anvil
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Atlantis Origins


The origins of the Atlantean island-continent still greatly affects the ongoing living conditions of it's inhabitants and may continue to do so for thousands of years to come. Knowing the origins of the region from the past greatly enhances one's understanding of what is happening around you in the present.


The Fracture of Kronos

As a last revenge Kronos - father to Zeus faltered in his heart as his loss was imminent, and that faltering heartbeat caused time itself to crack. Some say this was a final act of revenge, other's say it was just heartbreak, but regardless of the cause, time fractured - and scattered the Gods amidst the resulting temporal ruins. Zeus directed each divinity to impose some form of reinforcement to the 'ticking of time' metronome that Kronos's heart had once provided. This has caused different Gods to be more or less active as time has resettled afterwards.

The Apportioning

The Gods of Olympus had just defeated the Titans of Othrys Mountain. Putting their enemies deep into Tartaros - placing Othrys itself into the plane and placing other Titans into the ground, oceans and mountains of the Earth to use them as prisons for those who had defiled it with cthonic powers.

  The Gods then established the Eight Continents - setting each to its rightful place on the planet - often having to pull them apart. They convened the Apportioning. In the Apportioning meeting the Gods decided to place each section of the planet at its rightful location and to distribute the lands among themselves - Hephaestus was set the task of final placement of each landmass.

  Whilst this was occurring, Poseidon had the Apportioning reconvened and successfully changed the results - leaving Hephaestus out of the Apportioning, condemning him to his place at his eternal forge forever. The implications were instantaneous and Hephaestus in the midst of placing Hadesia at the time ---- was caught up in the process, and his hand was solidified into an extra continent - with his hand now solidified as geographical elements - the god had to rotate the world to allow for more ice to form at the south and with it came enough cold to freeze his hand at the wrist - allowing him to break himself free from his now lost hand. The resulting God, now a vengeful form, named Vulcan, was free but his anger spilled over when it was later decided that his very hand would be given to Poseidon as the main area of that God's Theodom (Divine Kingdom).  

The Isle of Atlas

  Zeus in considering the situation, still allowed the new eighth continent to be a part of Poseidon's Theodom but, decreed that it should pass to Atlas. King Atlas, the son of Poseidon established the island-continent as the leading continent in technology and civilization.


Vulcan's Revenge

      The Continent has never fully settled - with a central area having arisen over the aeons since. This has resulted in many volcanoes in the area and even the Heaven's themselves had been seen to shake. This has scarred the Eastern Side of the continent somewhat, and it is said changes have started taking place among the Dwarves that are said to come from Vulcan's ongoing thirst for revenge.

    Atlas at the behest of his father, created an artifact of power - the Pillar of Atlas. This gigantic pillar of Orichalcum stands at the very centre of Atlas's Palace and emits a Pillar of Power said to keep the Heaven's in order, with the Sun, Moon, and Planets all moving in harmony since it's installation. It is therefore said that Atlas holds the Heavens up with his might.


The Atlantids

    The Atlantids appear as stone golems that hold up the temples and walls of parts of Atlantis. This is also the phrase used for the Disks of Orichalcum that are ridden by Atlantis residents. The entire continent uses the Orichalcum Disks instead of horses in most of their activities - moving about the continent with very little need for formal roads - and needing only bridges to traverse water courses or boats as normal.


The Sundering

  The recent Sundering in the Heavens and it's effects on the Moon have caused considerable concern among the Atlantean population, it was expected that the Dwarven Population would be greatly agitated about the changes also due to their close association with Hephaestus, however no dwarf has been sighted for some time.


The Origins of the World and the Continent Isle of Atlas. The Isle Of Atlas (Atlantis Nesos) Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος is the name given to this gigantic continental island.

Historical Basis

Atlas was made King of the Continent and along with 10 other Poseidia-based Princes developed the continent into a technological and magical marvel. Atlas ruled the realm as a Demi-god Sovereign.


The legend has been spread through the ages by travelers and priests who have visited the continent through the centuries. Some philosophers also learned about the continent- island during their philosophical studies and incorporated the tales into their histories of the World. It is widely known of and sought, but rarely found.

Variations & Mutation

The Unhanding

  The followers of Vulcan, Hephaestus, and Dwarves call the Apportioning by the title 'The Unhanding' and 'The Severing'. Followers of Hephaestus take a more gentle version of the myth as the basis for their belief. Some higher level clerics of the God are said to sever their hands in a similar manner to the God's suffering to show their devotion - clerics above 10th level having done this are gifted with a replacement enchanted hand by the God of Artisans that is said to be stronger than a mortal one and additional powers.  

The Severing

  The Followers of Vulcan (the more aggressive version of Hephaestus) The Severing version of the myth emphasizes the loss of blood after the severing of the hand - it is said to be a more painful way of losing the hand - with the hand being severed by a sharpened trident of Orichalcum. This version implies that Poseidon actively attacked Hephaestus in the midst of the God's duties. This version of the myth is adhered to by the followers of Vulcan and higher level clerics of Vulcan perform this act (10th level plus) there is a 50% chance that the hand will be replaced with a similar but more powerful version as that of Hephaestus followers.

The Snap

The Varangians, the inhabitants of the area where the Wrist was frozen have a very different view of this. They lived an idyllic life in a temperate area, when this suddenly occurred. They refer to this event as the Snap - and this is taken to mean both that it was a sudden cold snap - for the entire land that had already been in place to be suddenly flung so far South that it froze - effectively being a cold snap. But also that the snapping of the wrist from the God's body could be heard for leagues in the area.

In Literature

The Works of Baalaton (Plato) shows Atlantis as a tale of potential fall. Others refer to it as the mother-culture of the Pyramidic Cultures that spread across the world.

In Art

The art of Atlantis includes all references to the Pyramids and their Heiroglyphic texts. The forms of pyramids, and columnar based architectures are both inspired by the Atlantean original architecture.
Date of First Recording
Year of the Water Dragon (15 CY)
Date of Setting
Year of Light (1 CY)


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