The Brazen Species in Terraia | World Anvil
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The Brazen


The Brazen are a tall humanoid group with few members of their race. They stand out among humanoids due to their height (up to 8 feet tall (2.43 metres)), their literally fiery eyes, and deep bronze coloring. The race has affected EVERY RACE on the continent in some way - both humanoid and even non-humanoid. In some races the pressence of Brazen genetics in the bloodline has resulted in abnormally tall individuals - in other cases it has resulted in gigantic growth of the individual monster, much to the dismay of those dedicated fighters of such creatures.

The Race as a whole is what remains of the Descendants of Talos, (Τάλως) or Talon (Τάλων), a giant bronze survivor of the Bronze Age of Humanity.


Historical Theories of Origins

According to Bibliothēkē there were three theories regarding Talos:

According to Hesiod, Talos may have been a survivor from the Age of Bronze, a descendant of the brazen race (χαλκοῦ γένους) that sprang from Meliae "ash-tree nymphs". Interestingly, the word talôs is Kretan dialect for "Sun" in the Kretan dialect, but in Mainland Greek it means "cut down" or "hewn".

According to the Argonautica, Talos was a brazen man who was forged by the god Hephaestus at the request of Zeus, to protect Europa (consort of Zeus) from people who would want to kidnap her.

According to Pseudo-Apollodorus, Hephaestus, the ancient Greek god of the forge, had made Talos.

In classical art Talos was depicted as a handsome young man carved of bronze.

The Pyramid of Talos

In Atlantis stands the Pyramid of Talos - this acts as a power source for all automatons on the continent. and for the Brazen it allows them to Gate through to the Orichalcum City of Aetna from Level 5 (Once they have proven themselves to the world).

Racial Adjustments

+1 Strength (+05% of Exceptional Strength to a max. of 18/00)

-1 Wisdom

Class Limitations

Brazen cannot be Rogues, Rangers, Druids, or Monks.

Other Benefits

Brazen make excellent traders and smiths - this allows them to gain Appraisal at the start of Character Creation with no cost. They can also do Smithing type Proficiencies at a +1 bonus.

Brazen are heat resistant giving them a +2 bonus on saves versus fire and heat based effects - magical or otherwise.

Brazen can speak Ignian in addition to all other languages selected.

Basic Information


The Brazen are an extremely tall (up to 8 foot tall), like a demi-giant race that solely derives from the last of the Men of the Bronze Age of lore. They are bronze, dark copper in color and appear to have near perfect physiques in most cases with burning eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

The birthrate of the Brazen is very low, with child bearing age starting late - after the age of 30 years old, and children only being born once every 4 years. This has limited the growth of the population greatly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They must eat and drink warm or hot food - cold foods or drinks are vomited back up.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of the Brazen appear to be on fire - they have a form of darkvision/infravision to 60 feet (18 m).

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The men of the race use Tal as a part of their name, where as the women use =os as a part of their name.


This is another race closely tied to Hephaestos - some even claiming that they are the sons of that god. The Brazen were a side-effect from the initial creation of admantite. The power of the Sun also vitalised nearby statues of Bronze warriors causing them to be animated and live. The time distortions of Kronos scattered their story into the distant past.
Scientific Name
Homos Brountzos
unknown -- use the Drow Elf age row.
Conservation Status
The Brazen are a rare race, being the descendants of Talos. Their total population is said to be around 20,000 individuals spread over the entire continent.
Average Height
2 metres tall. Males 60 inches + 2D10+Brazen Month Adj. (Month 5) from Atlantean Zodiac./ Females 59 inches + 2D10 +Brazen Month Adj.
Average Weight
140 pounds + 6D10 + Brazen Month Adj. (Month 5) from Atlantean Zodiac / Female 100 pounds + 6D10 + Brazen Month Adj.
Geographic Distribution


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