Order of Ennobled Costers Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Order of Ennobled Costers


The sale of fruit and vegetables in a standard stall and store set up is promoted by the Costers of this order. Each is able to afford a whole store or stall easily as a part of their membership to the guild.


Standard Guild with a Guildmaster, Journeymen and Guild members who are master sellers.


This is an attempt by the authorities to bring the Costermonger Guilds under control. By ennobling the profession it is hoped that they will achieve their goal of wiping out the Costermongers and their influences on common folk.

Public Agenda

To make the role of selling fruit and vegetables a more noble and respected profession among the general public by showing it to be a law biding profession.


A network of walk in stores that allow people to buy the fruits and vegetables they need without having to deal with hand carts and single individuals.

Vis Unita Fortior (Force is the Stronger)

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
Leader Title


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