Herbalist Gardener Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Herbalist Gardener Guild


The Herbalist Gardner Guild can also be called the Apothecary Guild - it focuses on providing herbs for medical purposes throughout the community.  

Services Provided

Herbalists will train characters in Herbalism skills and in some cases (30% chance) in Alchemy.



The Herbalist will at any given time have a limited stock of locally available herbs and in rarer cases some of the herbs from more distant climates. Check against the Herbs List.   Source: Middle Earth Herbs in Game


This is a standard Guild with Masters having 2 or 3 Apprentices each and many journeymen.


The Herbalists of Atlantis are constantly researching and experimenting with the properties of plants that are found. Inside the Herbalist Guild there is a strong competition for the making of new discoveries - so the chances to learn anything new is limited due to the secrecy they hold the information under.

Public Agenda

The group openly try to help the community and provide services and products to all parts of the communities they serve. The concept is to replace the clergy with the healing of plants, but this is not recognised at upper levels in the guild.


The Guild has a large Herbarium garden in Atlantis itself that has master species of all of the known healing and therapeutic herbs. This garden also acts a park that is maintained by Herbalists from the Guild. Each town also has a small apothecary but in many cases the Herbalists travel from place to place using their travels to discover new plants as well.

Mythology & Lore

The group was inspired by the works of Apollo when the god created so many herbs and plants. These have in turn caused the Herbalists to recognise both Demeter as the Mother of Nature, and Apollo as the father of medicinal plant life.

Plantae Dabit Vitam (Plants Give Life)

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
The Chemists
Leader Title


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