Furrier Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Furrier Guild


The Furrier Guild operates mainly in towns near to trapping posts and trading posts nearer to the edges of civilisation. They maintain a strong guild hall in the capital of each Kingdom however.   The Furriers are the purchasers of any pelts or hides that would not normally be accepted by the Leather worker, Skinner or Tanner Guilds. In truth the Skinner Guild and Furrier Guilds often operate out of the same stores/buildings in many areas and work together in most areas of business.  


Finished Pelts

  The percentage is the chance for that type of pelt to be available on that day.

The given value is the selling value outside of the Capital Cities.
The purchasing value from skinned animals is 50 +1D20% of the stated sales value in the charts.
Classically the furs used for trimming clothing were varieties of Squirrel Fur. These are:



A standard Guild that holds a strong connection to the Skinners Guild - being a specialised version of Skinners.


The Furriers and Skinners have outposts in the wilderness that allow trappers and furriers to rest in the midst of hunts, but also act as the trading post for traveling Fur Merchants who patrol the Fur Trader Route from Atlantis to Kharazad.

Ut Nudus Per Vestitum (Clothed Through Making Naked)

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
Skinners or Trappers
Leader Title


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