Equestrian Keepers Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Equestrian Keepers Guild


The stablekeepers who provide care to mounts when not being ridden are rare in Atlantis due to the presence of Atlantid Discs for travel. However, in combat, nothing is better than a fighting mount.
The stables can provide the riding mounts needed along with most of the riding gear needed.

Mount Prices and Carrying Capacity

  Animal and Mount List for Capital Cities  

City & Town Sized Market Prices and Mount Availability

The standard animal listing shows all of the animals and mounts available in any city or town in a civilised area of the continent.
  Animal and Mount List - same prices but no special animals available


Public service is key in this guild, they know that most use Atlantid Discs for travel and must provide a benefit to the whole community to remain in business.

Public Agenda

The Stable managers also manage the keeping of all animals in a town or city to ensure that the streets are kept as clean as possible. For this reason the Guild enjoys a high level of support from the whole community.


There is a small network of stables throughout the civilised towns and cities of the nations. These ensure that those with mounts have a means by which to house them - which is most useful for keeping the streets clean. All manure is sent to gardens and farms to aid in keeping the towns and cities clean.
Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
The Stablers
Leader Title


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