Beltmaker Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Beltmaker Guild


This is an ancient guild in the Guild Traditions of Atlantis. It is a sub-set of leather-working skill users specialising in using strips of leather efficiently and as such have a high level of skill in developing concealable leather based objects that save space. It does however also include cloth belts and sashes as a part of it's product line.  

Belts and Girdles (General)

  General Belt and Girdles in Equipment List

Worked Leather Items

The guild specialises in crafting belts, and wide belts (girdles).

Specialised Belts and Girdles

Item Options  Price Notes
Belt, Embossed Character chooses design 3sp
Girdle (Broad) Can be engraved 2gp
Girdle Embossed Can have gems added 10sp
War Belt Rune Engraved 10gp  Kidney Belt
Rogue Class Equipment
Belt with Secret Pouch can conceal tools +5gp adds to value of belt.


A standard Guild - with the guild having strong connections to the Leatherworking and Skinner Guilds. This also


The Belters of Atlantis are trying hard to stay semi-independent of the Leather-working Guild itself, and as such are working harder at developing specialised items that only the Belters can create.

Public Agenda

A standard Guild - with the guild having strong connections to the Leatherworking and Skinner Guilds. This also includes a strong link to the Thieves and Assassins Guilds given the reliance of such guilds on hidden and specialised equipment needs. Most Guild members are in fact from the Thief and Ranger classes.


The Belters are treated largely as a sub-guild under the purview of the Leatherworkers Guild, but actually specialises in several elements of equipment. The Guild has a main 'Belt store' in Atlantis and a small Guildhall near to the Guildhall Quarters of the City.

Girding the World

War Belt - variant of a Girdle.
Founding Date
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Leader Title


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