The Year of the New Moon Tradition / Ritual in Terradox | World Anvil
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The Year of the New Moon


The Year of the New Moon has been Celebrated since It's magical Property's have been discovered 4 AMR. Each Year of the Full Moon Creates Elemental Caos which Impacts most aspects of Life (for example if It's Year of The New Fire Moon open fires burn hotter or even gain conciseness).


Before Each Year of The New Moon all Humans, Elfs and Beastmen Prepare for the empowerment of the relevant Element and in regions with a strong connection to the Void all out Wars of Elementals can break out

Components and tools

The most common way to Prepare for this Event is to artificially lower the Elemental Power of any given sources (for Example: opening Dams, reducing Fuel to the Forges, Insulating Metal Objects, Draining the earth of Nutarians, Disrupting Winds, Disrupting Shadows, blocking out Sunlight).
Elementalist Mages use this Time to Create Larger more powerful Effects by intentionally empowering the already powerful Elements.


The Begin of the Year of the New Moon is Celebrated in every Major City with a huge Festival Displaying the most impressive Abilities Elementalits of the Relevant Elements have to offer. This Event is often sponsernd by the "The Terran Academy of applied magic".

General Information:

The Year of the New Moon happens every 5 Years and lasts from the 1st of January to the 25 of August the Next Year. The Year of the New Moon Marks the time a 2 Total New Moons happen within 2 Calendar Years, which only happens if This event Falls on the First of January.

Voidcraft Phenomena:

Much like The Day of The Midnight Sun The Year of the New Moon Impacts The Worlds Connection to the Void but Rather than Supplying Magic generally Each Year of the New Moon Impacts one of the 5 Elements Specifically of one of the Two Void bound Characteristics. If anyone is born During the Event they gain affinity with the Relevant Element and can gain the ability's of an Elementalist without being taught.  
Element Order (4AMR - 34AMR)
  1. Corruption(Shadow) 4AMR
  2. Purity(Light) 9AMR
  3. Energy 14AMR
  4. Air 19AMR
  5. Earth 24AMR
  6. Water 29AMR
  7. Fire 34AMR
If Talking about the Event: Year of the (Element) Moon
If Talking about someone Born during the Event: Child of the (Element) Moon

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Cover image: by Alfred Kruse


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