Day of Magic / Day of The Midnight Sun Tradition / Ritual in Terradox | World Anvil
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Day of Magic / Day of The Midnight Sun


The Solstice Festivals begun when the First Grand Mages rediscovered Magic on the First of April One AMR. On that day they where the fist who experienced the might of Void Magic as the Summer Solstice awakened there connection to the Void. Since then each Year young knowledgeable people awaken there Magical abilities though the Summer Solstice and rise to become Mages themselves.
"The Terran Academy of applied magic" has since it's founding used the Summer Solstice to Recruit New Mages into there Ranks and to show of there greatest Magical Inventions, this has become a core part of the Festivities over the Years and the Shows of each Citys Academy are widely regarded as one of the most spectacular displays of Magic all over the World.


Over each Bigger City and Monument Mages Work to Dispel the Clouds so that the New Mages can feel the Full Effect of the Summer Solstice.
After the Midnight Sun has passed Recruiters invite newly awoken Mages to there local Academy to Studie the ways of Magic.
For the Remaining Week Continues Celebrations happen all over the Empire


Some of the Celebrations are Lead by the Local Lord or Lady but in Most Cities the "The Academy of Applied Magic" host the Event to show of there newest and greatest magical accomplishments.


It is of Note that awakening your connection to the Void during a Summer Year is supposed to bring Good Luck and that almost all Mages Awaken during there 14th to 20th Birthday.
Some, but very few, awaken there connection during the Winter-, Autumn- or Spring Solstice those are seen as natural Mages and are rumored to handle magic with much more grace then others.

Other Phenomena

In addition to the Awakening of New Mages the Solstice also Invokes the natural World to Display rather unique Events, depending on there local connection to the Void.
For example the "Berg des Anfangs" where the First Grand Mages rediscovered Magic is a Focal point of Void connection and thus it has extremely strong effects on any Mage there during the Solstice, but besides Mages even the Mountain it's self reacts to the event: creation of elementals, Creation of weirdly specific objects, reshaping it's Surface into strange statues or creating new animals and plants are just some of the Effects the Solstice can have on a place.

Each place or person has a different response to the Summer Solstice, but most people who do not awaken there connection to the Void simply get more done or have some tasks do themselves.

Event Summary

  Magic or the unformed Will of the Void fluctuates based on the yearly cycle of the Sun. Depending if the days are long or short the magical Intercity will rise or fall accordingly, this is due to the Effect Sunshine has on the Worlds connection to the Void. With Sunlight comes life and with life comes the Void as it exists in all living beings.

On the Day of the Summer Solstice when the Sun shines at Midnight It's Rays empowers all who are able to create with the void's Will for as long as the Sun still shines, thus giving birth to the next generation of Mages.

From Midnight to Sunset the Next day All New Mages, that are of age, are welcomed into one of the "Terran Academies of Applied Magic" all over the Empire.

The Week after the Solstice, Celebrations for the New Mages and of Magic in general are held all over the Empire and end with the New Mages Joining there Selected Academy.

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Cover image: by Alfred Kruse


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