Fae Species in Terradox | World Anvil
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Basic Information


There Form is defined by there Elemental Combination, there Kingdom as well as Individual differences. Fae can change there outer appearance to resemble creatures of there Element of Similar power (this includes more complex elemental combinations). Fae can can Create, Destroy and Manipulate There Elemental Combination, they have also partial control over there given Elements.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fae reproduce in the Void, beginning as Constructs created by there parents who grow complex enough to develop individuality and a personality.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fae develop over five Stages of live defined by there Void construct complexity. The First Stage lasts from the moment there construct is created by there parents up to the point where they develop there first truly independent thought. The Second Stage lasts from there first individual thought up to when they choose to leave there parents to find themselves. The Third Stage begins when they Return form there Voyage up to the Time they find there Partner. The Forth Stage defines the Time they create there offspring up until there offspring transitions into there third Stage of live. And The Last Stage Lasts until the Perish in one way or another.

Ecology and Habitats

The Fae are a Creatures of the Void and reside there in Kingdoms which either act as Agents of Gods and Demons, Peace Keepers or Rules of Regions of the Void. Some Fae transition into the Material World though a Void Anomaly or a corresponding Elemental Anomaly, where they enact the Will of there overlord or seek to Rule themselves (mostly as monarch of other Elemental Creatures often Wisps).

Biological Cycle

The Fae don't age as they are Creatures from the Void, but they do consume the Flow of Void Energy corresponding to 2x the "Immortality Threshold" to live. It is of Note that Void Energy Flow is provided by Void Anomalies and other living Creatures, but not materials such as Electrum which just store Void Energy.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fae don't posses The Elemental Sense of other Elementals and instead see Void energy as motes of light colored by the Element currently influencing it. They also posses the senses / communication method corresponding to the creature they have shifted themselves into. Fae mostly communicate with each other through manipulation of Void energy in there immediate vicinity.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Fae are named after there Actions, Rank and Houses.
Until a Fae has made a notable achievement there name is freely chosen by there parents 
There Name is Structured with Rank and house First, than achievement and lastly given Name
Thus a Fae name for a Herzug of the Lichter Reich could be: Herzug of Heimdals Fury, Brükner, Lilia

Major Organizations

The Fae are divided into 3 Main Kingdoms, Das Lichter Reich, Die Schattenwandler and Die Zweiländer. Each Kingdom is divided into Adels Häuser which rule over there respective Domains.
Orderd Rank Diagram
Fae Königreiche (Temp Map) Base Map Image

Rank Responsibilities:

Highly Honerd Titles



Militaristic Titles:

Groß Herzug



Ruling Titles:

Erd Graf

Raum Graf

Wandel Graf


Freiherr / Baron

Administration Titles:



Elevation Titles:




Beauty Ideals

Das Lichter Reich

Animal Form Corresponding with there God is accepted, but mostly looked down upon. Humanoid Form based on Elben physical Traits (i.e. pointy ears, slender body) with exceptions such as Skin color and Hair Type which depends on God and Pantheon. The current Beauty standard of the Fae depends on the most powerful God in each Pantheon.
Clothing is mostly defined by there God, but share some commonalities (such as: Formfitting, imposing (to a degree), colors of house and God, different from the Gods mortal worshipers)
Desirables Personality Traits are also defined by there God but mostly boil down to (lightly curios of other cultures, High Moral Compass (defined by God), the ability to regain once composure in any situation)
it is Etiquette to be reserved and formal when in the Presence of others (which are not family or friends). one is expected to use the Formal we when acting as a member of the Court, furthermore one always represents there God if no higher representative of that God is present and such has to act according to there God's standards. Once posture is expected to be strait and relaxed to indicate superiority and class. It is also expected that one underplays there achievements and give more credit to there god than to oneself
Physical objects which relate to there Gods Domains are expected, in addition Fae always carry there god's Symbol in one way or another. It is also common to carry an object of authority (i.e. crown for the higher nobles, ceremonial weapons)
The Fae of the Lichter Reich honor art in all forms that depict history, gods and there god's domains. Ballads and Poems are considered one of the highest types of Art and Creative Ability.

Die Schattenwandler

Unique Forms that correspond to Personality and required Task (often humanoid)
There desired clothing is defined by there house, use and Self-image (often gothic, provoking, revealing or enhancing the physical form)
It is considered beautiful to be Free thinking, controlling of others and independent.
When in formal situations it is expected of one to be elegant, decisive, as well as cunning in all actions. Furthermore one should always stay true to there ideals and if possible corrupt the others to suit once needs.
These Objects serve mostly the same goal as the Physical form and Clothing, but also act as symbols of power or control over others.
Songs and paintings that change the spectators thoughts and desires are considered to be the highest forms of Art. Other desirables types of art include Architecture, Magic.

Die Zweiländer

Designed to blend in with there current Environment, as well as to best suit there chosen Task.
Serves same function as there Physical Form
It's considered beautiful to be cruise and knowledgeable about the World. In addition one should be Protective of Life in general as well as the known portals into the Material World.
Much like the Lichter Reich the Zweiländer use the Royal we and act in deference when among higher Nobility. Besides these Restrictions most Zweiländer act casually with each other.
Each Zweiländer has there own Insignia in for of a Color pattern, Sigil, Rune or other distinguishing features
Any type of Art based on Nature is considered beautiful, such as rare Plants, Unique Creatures and Gardens. Any type of unnatural or destructive Objects / Creatures are mostly depieced, an exception of this would be Elementals and other Natural occurring destructive Forces.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Lower Cosmic Being
Pure Fae
Corrupted Fae
Balanced Fae
Geographic Distribution
Fae Königreiche (Temp Map) Base Map Image

Fae Königreiche

Ranks with Succession Titles and Salutation
Ranks in Order

König & Königin

Königliche Majestät
Kron Prinz & Kron Prinzessin

Erzherzug & Erzherzogin

Königliche Hoheit & Durchlauchtigster
Erzherzog & Erzherzogin

Kurfürst & Kurfürstin

Königliche Hoheit & Durchlauchtigster
Kurprinz & Kurprinzessin

Großherzug & Großherzogin

Königliche Hoheit & Allerdurchlauchtigster
Erbgroßherzog & Erbgroßherzogin

Herzug & Herzogin

Hoheit & Durchlaucht
Prinz & Prinzessin

Erd Graf & Erd Gräfin

Hoheit & Durchlaucht
Prinz & Prinzessin

Raum Graf & Raum Gräfin

Hoheit & Durchlaucht
Prinz & Prinzessin

Wandel Graf & Wandel Gräfin

Hoheit & Durchlaucht & Erlaucht
Prinz & Prinzessin

Fürst & Fürstin

Hoheit & Durchlaucht
Erbprinz & Erbprinzessin

Graf & Gräfin

Erbgraf& Erbgräfin

Freiherr & Freifrau / Baron & Baronin

Freiherr & Freiin / Baron & Baronesse

Edler & Edle

Edler & Edle


Herr & Frau
Herr & Fräulein
Junker & Junkfrau
Junker & Junkfrau
No succession


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Cover image: by Alfred Kruse


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