Amarus Telum Organization in Terra Rynn | World Anvil

Amarus Telum

Commonly known as the Bitter Blades, the Amarus Telum are the secret office that work for the Exalted Holy Scion and the Church of the Inheritor. Not officially recognized by the Church, the Telum are Chosen that serve as spies, diviners, and assassins curated from among the population under the auspice of the Church’s higher echelons. The Amarus Telum are believed to operate at the pleasure of the Scion, and are charged to execute secret or deadly acts when all other avenues are closed off. Along with the Selendrie Host, the Amarus Telum are instrumental to the security and protection of the Holy Diaspora.   Members of the Amarus are selected due to a unique mix of talents, including martial training, specialized talents, expert knowledge, as well as their divine blessings. While this process gives the order access to a wide variety of tools for given situations, the lack of focus means that there is no centralized discipline to the group. The exact makeup or organization of the Amarus Telum are shrouded in secrecy, and only the Scion and her few trusted advisors are privy to their details. What is known is that because of the Telum's eclectic design, their agents are infamous for their ability to infiltrate and exploit vulnerabilities in other realms and organizations.


Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
Bitter Blades
Parent Organization

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