Ghosts Organization in Terra (ROTH) | World Anvil


Ghosts- Those who once were alive, but are no longer and have not yet crossed into Limbo. Ghosts may come from any race, as there are none truly immune to death, and are identified by a pitch black shroud covering their bodies, and the death mask they crafted in life over their face. All ghosts have a small body of unknown shape regardless of how they appeared in life, from humanoid to monstrous.   All ghosts can be identified by their Death Mask, with the exception of identical twins who created the same mask in life, can be traced directly to individuals when they were alive. This allows family and loved ones to know specifically who they are dealing with when meeting a ghost. A shroud covers their bodies at all times, making seeing what they actually look like impossible.   Ghosts are not inherently good or evil, and seen as a neutral force, that all will one day die and be joined in death. They are forbidden from knowingly causing harm or death to the living by Shia, but accidents can still occur and they can still cause mischief, which happens often as ghosts as a whole tend to be much more immature and easily frustrated than they were in life.


There are many cultural norms surrounding the dead, with many variations on region, race, and culture, however there are some that persist world wide:  

-To touch a ghost without permission is forbidden

-Removing a ghost's shroud is punishable by death (Supposedly- There are no recorded cases of this ever happening)

-Pay respect to those passed by giving them food and drink for their journey

-Never impede their path to Limbo


Ghosts can be found all around the world, but they are most prominent in the Land of Gods and particularly around Limbo's Crossing on their way to the afterlife. The last week of the month, ghosts can roam as they see fit to visit their families and loved ones, so such there are mass exoduses of them to cities and population centers. All other times of the year ghosts are (in theory) supposed to be making their way to Limbo's Crossing to pass into the afterlife.


To touch a ghost's shroud or mask is forbidden, and rumored to be deadly if done without permission. Ghosts can however touch the living without issue so long as they are the one to begin the interaction.   It is also forbidden to try and look beneath their shrouds, as doing so is to (supposedly, but never proven) cause death or an incredible curse upon the person, that will bring them increasingly bad luck until their eventual death.


Ghosts are often given small gifts of food, teas, or items associated with Life and Death to fuel their journey to the afterlife, despite the fact that ghosts are not known to eat or drink. These gifts and offerings are most often regarded as symbolic, rather than practical. Ones left behind by ghosts are buried as close to their graves or in mass pits if the grave is unavailable, not to be eaten or used by mortals.

Granted Divine Powers

All ghosts have some limited form of using death magic, and can drain the life of minor living beings such as plants or small animals such as insects by being in proximity to them. This has little effect on mortals, as long as they are in good health, however those who are critically ill or close to death already may feel exhausted and drained. No known deaths are known just from proximity to ghosts or other undead. Ghosts in large numbers can unleash a devastating amount of death magic, capable of bringing even the gods to their knees with pain and suffering.

Death is but a door

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