The Quacky Enclave Organization in Tempertaria | World Anvil
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The Quacky Enclave

The Quacky Enclave

  The Protectorate of The Quacky Enclave is a conservative country to the north of Fabia and east of Nomadia, the country is named after the religion that is enforced there, Quacky-Geminism. Their leader, the "Holy Emporer Fabien" is basically an excuse for the government of the Enclave to do whatever they want under the guise of a monarch rulling the laws. The Quacky Enclave is a totalitarian theocracy where nothing is greater than Geminism, the Enclave pays the Empire of Fabia to protect them and not attack them.  
GUILTY!    A typical day at the Quackian courts
  The lands of the Quacky Enclave are perfect for an industrial powerhouse, with the mountain bearing tons of coal and the fields being nearly full of iron and copper. The rare Inego snail also dwells in the thousands on the Quackian coast, when this snail is crushed it yields a large amount of strong purple dye. The Quacky Enclave is the largest outputter of pollution in the world.


The government holds heavy censorship over the media, the Executive manager is the highest position in the country. The government states officially that the "Holy Emporer" rules the courtry, this is false


The culture of The Quacky Enclave is heavily focused on the religion of Quacky-Geminism, with every day beginning with an hour long prayer to Fabien.

Public Agenda

The official decree of the "Holy Emporer" is to keep the population safe and pious, this has not been confirmed.


The Quackian economy is very strong with the national GDP of the nation being 16 Billion Crowns/year, but about half of it being paid to Fabia to maintain good relations.


The Quacky Enclave was founded by pilgrims in 512 AN, the country quickly grew and became a global power. After the great war the country was devastated and had to become a protectorate of Fabia. After the Swedes overan the Quackian borders all population and military was forced to move to the capital, they were to fight for the city to the last. None survived.


The Quacky Enclave was captured by Sweden when they lost the battle of New Quackystan, sources described the loss to be attributed to the mysterious Norrfurrhurr showing up.

Demography and Population

The Quacky Enclave has a total of 1 billion people, it is primarily composed of Quackians, Followed by Fabians, then Artemisians. Etc.


The Quacky Enclave holds a decent sized territory in the northeast of Tempertaria, these are their ancestral lands.


The military of the Quacky Enclave is the third strongest in the world, in front of Artemisia, and behind Fabia. The most notable is the "Warhammers" that make use of heavy equipment and shock tactics.

Technological Level

Technology in the Enclave is very bad, since other matters take priority.


Quacky-Geminism is the only permitted religion, other religions are outlawed and following them is punishable by 15-30 in prison. Being a member of the Cult of Thoth is punishable by execution.

Agriculture & Industry

The lands in the Quacky Enclave are perfect for industry, flat wasteland-like fields prove difficult to farm though. Massive oil refineries tower over the skyline, huge steel plants also provide large amounts of metal every year.

Trade & Transport

The transport system of the Quacky Enclave is abysmal, the highways are in disrepair. And the public transport is inferior to walking.


The education in the Enclave is very censored, which impacts the quality heavily. The quality of the education gets much better in the higher classes.


Transport systems are incredibly bad, large industrial districts produce large profits. And pollution...

Nihil unita fortior est religio

512 - 2178

Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
The Enclave
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Thanatocracy / Necrocracy
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Mainly steel and coal is exported, but lumber also provides large profits.
Major Imports
Large amounts of literature are imported from Artemisia, though these do have to go through heavy censoring. Nomadia imports huge amounts of oil every year to be refined. Fabia imports big amounts of food and grain for food supply.
Legislative Body
The Executive Legislative Officer has highest authority when it comes to passing laws.
Judicial Body
Every county has a Judicial preist, who has ultimate judicial authority.
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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