Ordination of the Mother
The Ordination of the Mother refers to the official path by which a woman gains recognition as "The Mother" in Dyodian Tradition. In the Dyodian matriarchy, the Mother also serves as the Governor of Dyodia. Eileithyia Ursanaa currently holds the title, and her granddaughter, Eichora Ursanaa, is her presumed heir. However, it should be noted that Eichora's Ordination will not be automatic. She must overcome several obstacles, and even then, may still be challenged for the position. Moreover, there is always the possibility that she will not outlive the current Mother.
Dyodia was the last province to join Nemea, and because of that, had its own established Traditions that developed separately from the influence of The Divine Duality. There is no record of another personage as "The Mother" prior to Eileithya Ursanaa. Quite simply, it is as if she has always been "The Mother". Of course, this is not possible, and we have been able to glean what the Mother's ordination entails from oral tradition, and mostly as it relates to what is expected of her presumed heir, Eichora Ursanaa.
Rather than a single, formal event, there is a series of requirements that must be met, which then culminate in the candidate being raised to the position of Mother (and Governor) by acclamation. Much like the position of The Mamet, a woman is eligible to become The Mother through a combination of three things: Ancestry, signs of the Ancient Ones, and study. In addition, a candidate for Mother must take a journey known as her "Passage", prior to her eighteenth Feast Day.
The Passage
On Midsummer's Day, the candidate will depart Greenhaven and head into the thick forest to its north. On this journey, her only destination is to achieve the awareness necessary to become the Mother, and make it back alive. There is no other timeframe, and no explicit rules. She, The Mamet, and The sitting Mother (if still living) will know whether or not the necessary awareness has been achieved. Possible challenges during the Passage include, but are not limited to, surviving the elements, surviving wildlife encounters, meditative and transcendental experiences, finding ones way, and pushing physical and mental limits. If the candidate meets all these requirements, then when the time comes (i.e., the sitting Mother dies), the banners will be called to Greenhaven, and other noble families from all over Dyodia will gather together to discuss the Ordination of the candidate, and any others that qualify at that time. Through that discussion, The mother will be proclaimed by acclamation. Leading the next Festival rite (see The Mamet's Tea) that follows that meeting is the final act necessary for her Ordination to be complete.
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