Lord and Lady Huffington Character in Tellus | World Anvil

Lord and Lady Huffington

Lord and Lady Devin and Accosta Huffington- Stilton

A noble couple travelling aboard the TransPax Luxury Coach Line, they are a Primary Group and have a chance at character interaction.    They are a dapper couple, very well off and personable, but she seems to have an anxiety issue.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They are both relatively young, but Accosta has a nervous condition that has caused he no end of harm and hurt.

Facial Features

He has his family's prominent nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Devin's nose proclaims him a member of his family.

Physical quirks

Accosta is slightly pigeon toed.

Specialized Equipment

They each have custom signet rings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

They have been married for seven years, now, and are desperately in love. Accosta has a terrible anxiety disorder that is only calm in the presence of Devin.


They are very active.


Both have standard degrees from that world famous bastion of education and opportunity, The Bardic College Campus.


They are working nobles. They work nine months out of the year away from their home in Greynor.

Mental Trauma

Accosta was assaulted by a band of Kobolds, once, as a child. She was taken hostage, and had to live with them for two and a half weeks.

Intellectual Characteristics

They are both quite intelligent, but Devin is quite a bit sharper than Accosta.

Morality & Philosophy

They are both paragons of morality, but are so squeezed by the strictures of Noble Life they have been forced to compromise themselves time and time again.

Personality Characteristics


Devin's motivation is to make his wife happy again, but ever since her nervous breakdown, she has been unable to smile and be happy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

They are financial geniuses.

Likes & Dislikes

They like fine food and fine music. They dislike dickheads.

Virtues & Personality perks

They are, actually, attempting to live virtuous lives.

Vices & Personality flaws

Devin drinks too much, and Accosta is a big fan of Moonheaven.

Personality Quirks

Accosta breaks down in tears at the slightest cause.


They are both fastidiously clean.


Religious Views

The two of them are devotees of Eostre.

Social Aptitude

They have a lifetime of elocutions classes to fall back on.

Wealth & Financial state

They are millionairs with a vast portfolio of real estate and business interests.
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord and Lady
He is 35, she is 27
Man and a Woman
His are brown, hers blue
They both have very dark brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
They are white skinned humans
He is 5'11", she is 5'5"
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: The Lord and his Lady by H Ogni
This article has no secrets.


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