Kowloon Council Organization in Tellus | World Anvil

Kowloon Council

The governing body of Kowloon Walled City. The Council is led by 'the officers', who in turn are led by 'the admiral'.


The Kowloon Council is composed of a diverse group of wise and experienced individuals, both residents of the city and individuals from the surrounding regions. It is designed to represent a cross-section of the city's inhabitants, ensuring fair and balanced decision-making.  


The Council does not have a single leader but operates on a system of rotating leadership. The chairperson of the Council changes every year, with each elder having the opportunity to serve as chair during their tenure.  


1) Interpretation of the Law: The Kowloon Council is responsible for interpreting and clarifying the law code, ensuring that it aligns with the city's unique needs and culture.
2) Enforcement: Council members oversee the enforcement of the law code, working in conjunction with a specialized group of enforcers who maintain order within the city.
3) Mediation and Dispute Resolution: The Council serves as a forum for dispute resolution, providing a space for inhabitants to bring their conflicts and disagreements for fair and impartial mediation.
4) Legislative Oversight: The Council periodically reviews and revises the law code to adapt to changing circumstances and emerging challenges.
5) Community Welfare: Council members actively engage with the community to understand the needs and concerns of the inhabitants, ensuring that the law code is responsive to the changing dynamics of the city.

Meeting Place:

The Kowloon Council convenes in a central, open-air plaza in the heart of the city, allowing inhabitants to witness and participate in the decision-making process, fostering a sense of transparency and inclusion.  

Clothing and Insignia:

Council members are often identifiable by distinctive clothing or insignia that signify their role as elders in the community.


The "Admiral" leads the "officers" in their formal proceedings, although theoretically, it is a fairly co-equal body of legislators.


The Council has, over the centuries, become as corrupted as the rest of the government of the The City of the Lights. The body politic is, hardly, a cross section of the population of Kowloon Walled City. It is an "old-boy's-club" of the highest order, and while not entirely male in number, it has become a patriarchal powerhouse fed by the network of friends, lovers, and political donors that surrounds each member.  Each member enjoys the lap of luxury, at the expense of politically elite benefactors vying for power and position within the city. Their compound on the ninth level of the city occupies a campus on the grounds of the temple of Selune.


Clothing and insignia, formal regalia, meeting spaces, homes on the eighth level, servantry, enslaved criminals. Additionally, they have been surreptitiously investing in brothels and entire red light districts for the last several decades. 


With its roots firmly implanted in the ideas of a foregone era, the Kowloon Council was founded on principles of integrity and inclusion that have been thrown right out the window in the past few hundred years of the ancient city's existence.

Mythology & Lore

Selune came to Tellus, and built the walls within which the city was constructed. 

Cosmological Views

The "World Outside the Walls" is a mythical place for many of Kowloon's residents. A place of inexplicable social tradition, and vast expanses of open space. It is scary, for one of the Walled In, to venture Outside...

Tenets of Faith

The Goddess Selune is a well known, and much beloved, deity, and she is revered here above all others. Indeed, the entire top level of the city is dedicated to Selune.
In its truest form, the church is a beacon of hope and a soft white light in the darkness of despair:

Embrace the Cycles:

Followers of Selune are taught to embrace the ever-changing cycles of the moon, as they symbolize the ebb and flow of life. They understand that just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too do their own fortunes and challenges.

Balance and Harmony:

The moon, with its gentle light, represents balance and harmony. Selune's faithful strive to bring balance to their own lives and the city as a whole, seeking solutions that promote peace and unity.

The Sanctuary of the Night:

Selune is often associated with the night and the peaceful respite it offers. Her followers are encouraged to find solace in the quiet moments of the night, where they can reflect, meditate, and connect with the goddess.

Caring for the Vulnerable:

Selune's faith emphasizes compassion and empathy. Inhabitants of Kowloon Walled City are expected to care for the vulnerable, including the poor, sick, and orphaned, and to provide shelter and sustenance to those in need.

Mystery and Dreams:

Selune is a goddess of mystery and dreams. Her followers are encouraged to explore the mysteries of life and to pay attention to their dreams, as they are believed to be messages from the goddess herself.

Protection of the Weaker:

The moon offers light in the darkness, and Selune's faithful are taught to protect those who are weaker or in need of guidance. They act as beacons of hope in the city, defending the vulnerable from harm.

Community and Togetherness:

Selune's faith places a strong emphasis on community and togetherness. Her followers come together in regular gatherings to celebrate and strengthen their bonds, fostering a sense of unity in Kowloon Walled City.

The Celestial Guidance:

Followers of Selune look to the night sky for guidance and inspiration, seeking answers to life's questions through the study of the stars and moon phases. They believe that Selune's celestial light can provide insights into the future.

Environmental Stewardship:

The moon is associated with the natural world, and Selune's faithful are encouraged to be stewards of the environment. They strive to protect the city's unique surroundings, including the moonlit gardens and mystical flora that thrive in the city.

Tolerance and Inclusivity:

Selune's faith is open to all, regardless of background or origin. Inhabitants of Kowloon Walled City are expected to be tolerant and inclusive, welcoming individuals of all races, species, and beliefs into their community.


The clergy of Selune in Kowloon Walled City upholds a set of ethics that are deeply rooted in the teachings of the goddess of the moon. These ethics guide the behavior and actions of the clergy as they serve the community and facilitate spiritual growth. Here are the key ethics of the clergy.


The clergy is committed to showing compassion to all, regardless of their background or circumstances. They believe that empathy and kindness are essential in helping individuals find solace and support.  


Selune's faith is open to all, and the clergy actively promotes inclusivity. They welcome individuals of all races, species, and beliefs into the community, fostering a sense of unity and acceptance.  

Respect for Nature:

The clergy believes in the importance of respecting and protecting the natural world. They are stewards of the city's unique surroundings, advocating for the preservation of the moonlit gardens and the mystical flora that thrive in the city.  


The moon's cycles symbolize balance, and the clergy seeks to bring balance to the lives of the faithful and the community as a whole. They advocate for peaceful and harmonious resolutions to conflicts and challenges.  

Community Welfare:

The clergy places the well-being of the community at the forefront of their mission. They actively engage with the inhabitants to understand their needs and concerns and work to address them.  

Tolerance and Understanding:

Selune's clergy promotes tolerance and a deep understanding of different perspectives and beliefs. They encourage open dialogue and constructive discussion within the community.  

Mystery and Dream Interpretation:

The clergy helps individuals explore the mysteries of life and encourages them to pay attention to their dreams, believing that they hold insights into the individual's path and the goddess's messages.  

Charity and Assistance:

Providing support to the vulnerable and less fortunate members of the community is a fundamental duty. The clergy coordinates charitable activities and outreach programs to ensure that those in need receive assistance.  

Environmental Conservation:

The clergy actively engages in efforts to protect the city's unique environment and its natural resources. They teach the inhabitants the importance of preserving the moonlit gardens and the surrounding ecosystem.  

Purity and Reverence:

Members of the clergy are expected to maintain personal purity and reverence for Selune. They lead by example, living lives that reflect the goddess's teachings.  


The clergy promotes non-violence and peaceful conflict resolution. They discourage aggression and seek alternatives to violence in addressing disputes or challenges.  


Given the ever-changing nature of the moon, the clergy is flexible and adaptable in their approach to serving the community. They are open to new ideas and evolving to meet the city's changing needs.


A worship service for Selune, the goddess of the moon, in Kowloon Walled City would be a serene and mystical event that takes place in the moonlit temples or open-air courtyards dedicated to the goddess. Here's an outline of what a typical worship service for Selune might look like:

Gathering and Preparation:

The worship service begins as the community gathers in the moonlit temple or courtyard, dressed in white or other attire symbolizing purity. Participants take a few moments for personal reflection, meditation, or prayer to prepare themselves spiritually.  

Candle Lighting:

At the start of the service, candles or lanterns are lit to symbolize the moon's light and its guidance in the darkness.  

Invocation and Chanting:

The service begins with a priest or priestess invoking Selune's presence and blessings. The congregation joins in chanting hymns or songs dedicated to the goddess.  

Meditation and Quiet Reflection:

A period of quiet meditation and reflection follows, during which participants focus on the moon's symbolism and its connection to their lives.  

Sermon or Teaching:

A priest or priestess delivers a sermon or teaching that relates to the moon's cycles, the tenets of Selune's faith, or a particular aspect of the goddess's teachings.  

Offering and Prayers:

Participants offer prayers and offerings to Selune, which may include flowers, herbs, or other items associated with the goddess. The community offers prayers for personal blessings, guidance, and for the well-being of the city.  

Moonlit Rituals:

In some worship services, there may be moonlit rituals, such as walking a labyrinth under the moon's light or performing symbolic acts of purification.  

Sharing Dreams and Visions:

A segment may be dedicated to individuals sharing their dreams or visions, which are believed to be messages from Selune. Others may offer insights or interpretations.  

Community Communion:

A symbolic or actual communion may take place, often involving moon-themed foods or drinks, symbolizing the sharing of Selune's blessings.  


The priest or priestess offers a final blessing, asking for Selune's guidance and protection for the community.  

Fellowship and Celebration:

The worship service concludes with a period of fellowship, during which the community comes together to share food, stories, and a sense of unity.  

Moonlit Gathering:

Depending on the time of the worship service, participants may stay to enjoy the moonlit night, socialize, and continue their celebrations.  
The worship service for Selune is designed to be a tranquil and contemplative experience, allowing the community to connect with the goddess, seek her guidance, and find solace in the moon's serene light. The service promotes a sense of unity and spirituality among the inhabitants of Kowloon Walled City.


The priesthood of Selune is inextricably entwined with the Kowloon Council.

The priesthood of Selune in Kowloon Walled City is a dedicated and respected group of individuals who serve as spiritual guides and leaders within the community. They are responsible for overseeing religious ceremonies, providing counsel to the faithful, and maintaining the temples and sacred sites dedicated to the goddess of the moon. Here's a description of the priesthood of Selune in Kowloon Walled City:  

Roles and Responsibilities:

Temple Guardians:

The priesthood serves as guardians of the temples and sacred sites dedicated to Selune within the city. They ensure these places remain peaceful, well-maintained, and accessible to all inhabitants.

Spiritual Counsel:

Priests and priestesses offer spiritual counsel and guidance to individuals and families in need. They provide a listening ear, offer advice, and help the faithful interpret dreams and seek insights from the goddess.

Religious Ceremonies:

The priesthood organizes and leads various religious ceremonies and rituals, including lunar festivals, solstice celebrations, and moonlit vigils. These events are essential for community cohesion and spiritual growth.


Priests and priestesses are responsible for educating the community about the goddess Selune, her teachings, and the significance of the moon in their lives. They often run schools and workshops for the young to impart knowledge and wisdom.

Healing and Medicine:

Some members of the priesthood specialize in healing and herbal medicine. They tend to the sick and injured, offering both physical and spiritual healing, using the medicinal herbs that flourish in the moonlit gardens of the city.

Charity and Welfare:

The priesthood coordinates charitable activities and outreach programs, ensuring that the vulnerable and less fortunate members of the community receive the support they need.

Celestial Observance:

They are experts in the study of celestial bodies and the interpretation of celestial events. Priests and priestesses often provide guidance based on the positions of the moon and stars.    


The priesthood of Selune follows a hierarchical structure:

High Priest/High Priestess:

The highest-ranking member of the priesthood, responsible for overseeing the entire religious community. They lead major ceremonies and serve as the chief spiritual authority.


These individuals serve in various roles within the priesthood, from leading smaller rituals to offering counsel and education.


Young individuals who are in the early stages of their training to become full-fledged priests or priestesses. They assist in various tasks within the temples and participate in their spiritual education.

Attire and Symbols:

Members of the priesthood often wear robes or garments that are predominantly white, symbolizing purity and the moon's light. They may wear crescent moon pendants or symbols of Selune as a sign of their dedication.

Moonlit Temples:

    The temples dedicated to Selune are designed to make the most of moonlight, with large open courtyards and open roofs to allow the goddess's celestial light to flood in. These temples are a central hub for the community's religious and social activities.
    The priesthood of Selune in Kowloon Walled City is an integral part of the city's culture, fostering a strong sense of community, spirituality, and unity among its inhabitants. Their commitment to the goddess and the well-being of the city is central to the city's way of life.

Granted Divine Powers

Selune, the goddess of the moon, is associated with various divine powers and blessings that she may grant to her faithful followers. The specific powers granted can vary from person to person, depending on their devotion, connection to the goddess, and the needs of the individual and the community. Here are some of the divine powers and blessings that Selune may bestow upon her followers:

Lunar Illumination:

Followers of Selune may be blessed with the ability to see clearly in the dark or harness the power of moonlight to guide them through the night.  

Healing Touch:

Some devotees may receive the gift of healing, allowing them to soothe wounds, cure illnesses, and bring comfort to the sick and injured.  

Dream Interpretation:

Selune may grant the ability to interpret dreams, enabling her followers to understand the hidden messages and insights that dreams may contain.  

Divine Guidance:

Devotees may receive divine guidance, finding themselves more in tune with their inner selves and their connection to the goddess. This can lead to better decision-making and a sense of purpose.  

Protection from Darkness:

Selune's followers may be shielded from the forces of darkness and malevolent entities, making them resilient against negative influences and dark magic.  

Moonlit Communication

: Some may be able to communicate with the moon or the stars, allowing them to seek guidance or answers to life's questions through celestial means.  

Calm and Serenity:

Selune's blessings may bring an inner peace and serenity, helping individuals remain composed and calm even in the face of adversity.  

Enhanced Wisdom:

Devotees may receive heightened wisdom and knowledge, particularly about the natural world, celestial bodies, and the mysteries of life.  

Nature Affinity:

Followers of Selune may develop a deep connection to the natural world, with the ability to commune with animals and plants or influence the growth of moonlit gardens.  

Harmonious Relationships:

Selune's blessings can promote harmonious relationships within families and the community, helping to resolve conflicts and maintain unity.  

Psychic Abilities:

Some may develop psychic abilities, such as telepathy or clairvoyance, allowing them to perceive hidden truths and connect with others on a deeper level.

Divine Visions:

Selune may grant visions or prophetic dreams to her followers, offering insights into future events or divine guidance.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The church is entwined in every aspect of the council. 
  But, it hasn't always been so.   Over the centuries, the church has grown into every aspect of life in Kowloon Walled City, including the upper crusts of society. Numerous attempts by well meaning clergy to introduce a measure of sanity into the notoriously corrupt Kowloon Council have backfired spectacularly, engendering some epic scandals that were covered by the local gossip-rags for months. None of the scandals lasted long enough to see the culprit ousted, however. More like, they moved up in both the ranks and estimation of the rest of the council.


As in all things having to do with disparate personalities being made to work closely together, different belief systems and straight up social cliques formed over time.

The Lunari Devotees

A sect of Selune's faithful who emphasize deep meditation and dream interpretation. They believe that by communing with the goddess through their dreams, they can gain unique insights and guidance. Their practices are peaceful and focused on personal and spiritual growth. Sisters of the Silver Crescent:  

The Sisters of the Silver Crescent

A sect of Selune's female followers who are dedicated to healing and herbal medicine. They tend to the sick and wounded in the community, using the moonlit gardens to cultivate healing herbs. They are known for their compassion and their ability to harness Selune's blessings for curative purposes. Moonshadow Cult:  

The Moonshadow Cult

A sect that has deviated much from the teachings of many of Selune's devout. Instead of seeking harmony and balance, they believe in using the goddess's powers for personal gain and domination. They have a secret agenda to corrupt Selune's word, amassing power and wealth at the expense of the vulnerable.  

Children of the Celestial Dance:

The Children of the Celestial Dance are a sect that places a strong emphasis on dance and movement as a form of worship. They believe that by dancing under the moon, they can physically connect with the goddess and express their devotion. Their rituals often involve graceful, moonlit dances.  

Guardians of the Moonlit Gardens:

This sect is dedicated to the preservation of the moonlit gardens surrounding Kowloon Walled City. They believe that the gardens are a direct gift from Selune and must be protected at all costs. The members work tirelessly to ensure the gardens remain untouched by harm or corruption.  

Twilight Oracles:

The Twilight Oracles are a sect known for their ability to predict the future and interpret celestial events. They often offer guidance to individuals and the community based on their knowledge of the moon, stars, and planetary movements.  
The "Moonshadow Cult" is the sect that seeks to corrupt Selune's teachings. They are a secretive and malevolent group that manipulates the goddess's blessings for their own gain, often at the expense of the vulnerable and the greater good of the community. Their actions are in direct opposition to the principles of Selune's faith, and their influence may pose a threat to the harmony of Kowloon Walled City.

For and by the People

Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
The Elders
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Kowloon Walled City
A ramshackle looking pyramid of interbuilt and interwoven structures that lean up against and support each other, providing a rickety, yet terrifying, foundation for the level above. It all looks as if the entire thing could come tumbling down any minute, but it has spanned centuries successfully with very few disasters.


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