A bird-like creature of hunger and shadow, a gwythaint (pronounced GWHI'thint) is never anything but hungry. Feeding upon the life force of their victims, they never 'excrete'; they only grow, larger and larger with each sip of humanoid essence.
Basic Information
Comprised almost entirely of shadow, a gwythaint is impossible to hit and damage without magical or silvered weapons.
Genetics and Reproduction
They do not reproduce; they can only be produced.
Growth Rate & Stages
They grow at the same rate as they feed...they grow in direct proportion to their food intake. As they grow, they are able to take in more, and so forth.
Ecology and Habitats
They only live in the shadowy recesses of The Dragonways
Dietary Needs and Habits
Humanoid essence; life-force, if you will.
Biological Cycle
Eat, grow, die
Additional Information
Social Structure
They flock
Uses, Products & Exploitation
They are being used, and exploited, in their very existence. They were created to cause grief and pain, to harry and harass travelers upon the Dragonways.
Facial characteristics
A beak as black as a hag's cauldron and eyes as red as the devil himself, Asmodeus
Average Intelligence
The do possess a childlike form of sentience
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Blindsight (echolocation), sense shadows (sense the shadows of nearby living creatures), shadowy form (turn into shadow; invulnerable, but also cannot hit).
Scientific Name
Cathartes aura fel
It is said they are the corrupted remains of stirges
Time works differently within the Dragonways
Average Height
They start quite small, almost baby-like.
Average Weight
How much does a shadow weigh?
Average Length
Wingspan would average six to eight feet.
Average Physique
Rippling, shredded shadow
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shadowy black
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by