Good King Justinian

Eminence, Highness, King Rodrick Trinipple Justinian Ruel Grey (a.k.a. The Good//Good King)

Called 'the good' by his followers, Justinian (who ruled for only half a decade) was reviled by his enemies' cult-like, religious following.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was in top fighter form.

Body Features

Tall, muscular, and ripped.

Facial Features

The long, aquiline nose of his mother's family (Cotnors).

Identifying Characteristics

His eyes are very distinctive, and his visage is stamped on all the coin currently circulating the Kingdoms.

Physical quirks

He has a bit of a lisp that he has worked very hard to do away with. This had been very successful, although he still had a tendency to fall back into old habits under stress.

Apparel & Accessories

The High King's Plate

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into wealth and affluence, young Roderick was afforded every opportunity, and only squandered some of them.

Gender Identity



He's a 'he', but pan sexual


Able to speak every tongue in the land, at the time. A feat that has never been repeated.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Justinian brought about a national Feastday that evolved into present-day Kings Day.

Failures & Embarrassments

Having made some...bad decisions...along the way, Justinian was known to frequent whorehouses in bad disguises.

Mental Trauma

When his elderly caretaker passed on at the tender age of one-hundred and thirty-seven, Justinian was devastated. His mother, a particularly cruel woman with a royal title through her Kingdom of Cotnor side of the family, whipped him harshly for crying publicly. He has never forgiven her for that, and his opinion of his mother grew worse and worse until one day, he just left.   Justinian has survived no less than three assassination attempts. That kind of thing tends to leave scars.

Intellectual Characteristics

Curious and ploddingly thorough.

Morality & Philosophy

Allow no harm to come to those weaker than oneself, as this is honor.


Sexual assault will throw him into a violent rage.

Personality Characteristics


The good of the Kingdoms

Likes & Dislikes

Virtually gags at the sight of a bat, or spider...things his mother used to torture him when he was a child.

Virtues & Personality perks

Charming, intelligent, and dashing.

Vices & Personality flaws

He was a little too interested in every single woman's pussy.


Meticulous; his morning routine could take upwards of three hours.

Wealth & Financial state

He literally controlled the flow of gold and silver within the kingdom
Lawful Good
Current Status
Dead as Fuck
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High King of all Pax
Date of Birth
24th Embers
Date of Death
2258 NG 2293 NG 35 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born the royal heir during a time of peace and plenty
Circumstances of Death
Driven off the edge of the The Dragonways by gwythaints
Stilton-Head of old
Place of Death
The Dragonways
Current Residence
The The Dragonways are his tomb.
A dark blue simply glistening with wit and intelligence
Cropped short and shorn on the sides, like a proper soldier
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A caramel brown, according to his manservant
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • I shall be but a trice. Wait for me here, Easley.
  • Mosquito bats!
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
He knew all the languages of the realms.
Character Prototype
Numenorean men.
Character Portrait image: by Harlen Ogni


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