Yelrafekim's Summer Camp 2023 Reading Challenge Article

For the fourth year in a row I attended Summer Camp on WorldAnvil in July. Although I never submitted my homework in June (sorry for playing hookie!), I did make a pledge (to myself) to reach the Silver level this year, as I accidentally neglected to submit an article last year and fell 1 short. I'm pleased to say that I made Silver this year, and had fun getting there.

This will be my first Summer Camp Reading Challenge, and I am really looking forward to exploring some of the wonderful worlds in the WorldAnvil universe. I'm sure I will learn a lot, have lots of fun doing it, and maybe make a few new friends. So let's see what's out there, shall we?

Selected Prompts

In choosing which prompts to select, I'm going to go with two that I did not write about, so the whole experience will be new and exciting. My third selection will be a prompt that I responded to with an article. I want to see how others handled the task, and how I stand up in comparison.

#1 A Settlement at the Limits of the known World

I saw this as a very provocative prompt. But since virtually all of my world has been explored and charted, it wasn't a good fit for me. I'm going to read the following articles from this prompt:

#2 A Historical Culture Whose Influence is Still Felt Today

As a History Major back in my college days, I wanted to tackle this prompt. But I knew I would zero in on this to the detriment of all else, so I passed. I'm looking forward to a trip back in time as I read the works of others. Very curious to see the connections to current times. I am going to read the following articles from this prompt:

#3 A Character Driven by Wanderlust or the Desire to Explore

In selecting my third prompt category, one in which I submitted an article, I chose the prompt that resulted in the most views of all my entries (I was frankly surprised at the result!). I will be reading the following articles from this category:

Comments and Impressions

As part of the Reading Challenge, I will of course leave a comment at each article, and I invite everyone to check out these articles themselves. I will also expand this article with random impressions of things that really jump out at me. Time to get reading!


I just finished reading the three articles about remote settlements, and I wish I could book a trip to each of them right now. All three were fantastic, with each displaying its own unique highlights. I do have a favorite, but all three were so good I'm going to keep that to myself. The first city, Krtajala, lies beneath the sea, and reading the article transports you there with detailed descriptions and luxurious illustrations.

The second city, Cavefell, sits between an ancient mystical world and an eternal plane of fire (sounds precarious!). It's an interesting place, where many different beings come together. We are treated to a description of the very volatile history of the place, which is both informative and entertaining. But most impressive to me is that the author is writing in a second language.

Finally, Infinity's Watchtower is a B&B in outer space. People go there as an embarkation point for journeys into the astral planes, leaving their bodies behind with the proprietors as "collateral." What could go wrong?

I truly loved all three of these articles and recommend them as good reading to anyone.


The three articles I chose to read in this category were all as entertaining as expected. The first, Dwarves of Damus, makes an immediate first impression, as it is simply gorgeous to look at. I wish I had the artistic vision to put together a beautiful page like that. Then you get into the content, which is amazingly deep and rich for such a short article. Two thumbs up.

The Old World by Qurilion is likewise absolutely spectacular in its imagery. The story is concise and to the point, weaving the ancient and the current in a way that brought me right into the world of Megacorpolis. Very skillfully written.

My third article in this category was Feidisfolk by Hanhula. I have found I can always count on complete amazement when I read (or even just look at!) a Hanhula article. I envy the superb skills displayed in this article.


Purit the Wayfinder has to be one of the most charming characters I have encountered in a long time. LiaFelis tells the wonderful story of his life and in the process reveals a remarkable amount of the texture of the world of Evera. And have I mentioned? In a second language! Remarkable to read and appealing to look at.

Hanhula pulls out all the stops in the article about the wanderer, Kailuva Sikuvael. This article, typically stunning in its visuals, is packed with everything you could want - loads of illustrations, a plethora of details about the character, and excellent use of the relationships feature. The love story at the heart of the article is a powerful one.

Last, but most certainly not least, Amélieis brings us Lady Sandeux.  The description of the character was detailed and intriguing,  The character portrait was remarkably alluring. And the extremely subtle hints of the world behind the character made me thirsty for more.

Future Worldbuilding Goals

The past two Summer Camp competitions have resulted in remarkable growth in my world, opening up an entire continent that had been nothing but potential. I think I will turn my eye to the far west, and begin to develop the lands of the rising sun in my retrograde-rotation world. This will be interesting, as I will now confront the extermination of one of my world's four human species, driven to extinction by my protagonist race.


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