Tarien Dara Kazmak Shal'Morkung writes "Of Darkness and Light"

Dara Kazmak Shal'Morkung writes "Of Darkness and Light"

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Dara Kazmak Shal'Morkung writes Of Darkness and Light , a thesis regarding Elynthi Church, its positions on demons, summoning, the Soulmeliti, and other religious doctrines. He describes demons as Nosferian's children, loaned to the devout for the trials and tribulations of this world. It states that Nosferian is the sole power governing Tarien. All other powers are aspects of Nosferian, worshiped by ignorant heathens. Tyloma is the exception; she plays a polar role to Nosferian as an anti-god. This bold monotheism is both a break-through in philosophy, and forms the cornerstone of Elynthi beliefs.

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